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by gracie
Wed 29 Dec 2010 05:43
Forum: Animal Food
Topic: Update - Frozen fish
Replies: 88
Views: 159147

Re: Update - Frozen fish

What about frozen egg yolk? I never thought I'd ask that, but I found a recipe for semifreddo (it has one big un-Wai ingredient: cream; the rest is simply honey and yolk). Will freezing damage the yolk's protein?
by gracie
Fri 15 Oct 2010 06:28
Forum: Positive differences
Topic: Update
Replies: 1
Views: 4749


Hey everyone! It's been almost a year since I’ve started the diet, but I wanted to check in and report my experience. I started this diet due to digestive problem: colitis-like symptoms, where my body reacted to everything I ate. I am only 26 and doctors couldn’t find anything wrong, so I had to be ...
by gracie
Mon 17 May 2010 00:17
Forum: Specific nutrients / food constituents
Topic: Chloride
Replies: 3
Views: 6490


I have a very random question unrelated to the Wai diet, but I'm curious if anyone has input. My sister is pregnant and deeply craves the smell of bleach and chlorine. She constantly wants to go swimming and clean the house with bleach (I assume it's chlorine bleach). She says she falls asleep dream...
by gracie
Sun 16 May 2010 23:04
Forum: Beginners' Issues
Topic: My progress so far
Replies: 42
Views: 42786

H a ha, uh oh...I'm sure that one day I'll turn around, after having grabbed the ripest avocado, and see exactly that image!
Thanks for the warning, Oscar :D
by gracie
Sat 15 May 2010 03:59
Forum: Beginners' Issues
Topic: My progress so far
Replies: 42
Views: 42786

Ha ha, Oscar! Except I look more like a scary monster lady who is totally possessed. With horns. When I really "need" a specific kind of (Wai) food, I'd do about anything to get it Glad I'm not the only one! In fact, I think my need for nutrients is more intense than any craving I could ever have fo...
by gracie
Fri 14 May 2010 21:39
Forum: Beginners' Issues
Topic: My progress so far
Replies: 42
Views: 42786

Otherwise we might have to send out RRM as a modern-day Tarzan to catch us all some juicy fish. :lol: I think we can say the same thing for wild fruits vs cultivated selected fruits. I have the chance where I live to eat some (almost) wild fruits like fresh coconuts, cempedak, jackfruits, rustic ba...
by gracie
Fri 14 May 2010 01:05
Forum: Animal Food
Topic: Red Meat
Replies: 87
Views: 175277

Thanks for the info. I keep picking up/putting down (and picking up, putting down) the pre-packaged tenderloin at the store. The guy behind the meat counter thinks I'm nuts. It looks good, but I'm concerned about Ecoli and tapeworms. It's really a fear that's been instilled in me (especially in the ...
by gracie
Fri 14 May 2010 00:40
Forum: Foods in general
Topic: Rice milk
Replies: 8
Views: 8851

Hi RRM, I thought white rice was encouraged as a munch food? There are a lot of recipes in the book where's it's an ingredient.
(or is that just there for those people who "need" grain, and it's the "least bad" grain?)
by gracie
Fri 14 May 2010 00:32
Forum: Beginners' Issues
Topic: My progress so far
Replies: 42
Views: 42786

I don't know if this is helpful, but I found the following sources that say farmed salmon have fewer omega-3s than wild, and higher levels of omega-6s (the given ratios of omega-3's to 6 are 15:1 for wild, 3: 1 for farmed). In short: wild fish are a better source of omega-3s. (
by gracie
Tue 04 May 2010 12:17
Forum: General health issues
Topic: Bacteria in food and stomach cancer
Replies: 15
Views: 14059

Properly fremented foods may even cause cancer if chemicals (like salt) are involved that can lead to the formation of aggressive compounds. I am currently planning to make salt-less sauerkraut, and I've found recipes that include either wine or vinegar. Could either of these form aggressive compou...
by gracie
Tue 04 May 2010 12:11
Forum: General health issues
Topic: Bacteria in food and stomach cancer
Replies: 15
Views: 14059

RRM wrote: I do recall a study where they mentioned pickled foods as a food product that could increase stomach cancer-risk. Probably not due to an overload of bacteria, but rather due to aggressive compounds originating from the 'pickling-ingredients' (such as salt) in combination with the fermenta...
by gracie
Tue 04 May 2010 11:07
Forum: Specific nutrients / food constituents
Topic: sucrose / fructose / glucose in foods
Replies: 2
Views: 9802

Thank you!!
by gracie
Tue 04 May 2010 09:17
Forum: Oil, Sugar (/honey) and Vinegar
Topic: Need good olive oil
Replies: 31
Views: 26214

For those in the U.S., I highly recommend Napa Valley Naturals olive oil. It's expensive ($10-$15), but I did a little math the other day and realized I'm spending less money on this diet than a regular diet. It's delicious, without the burn or tart aftertaste. I also feed my dogs olive oil, which I...
by gracie
Mon 26 Apr 2010 23:04
Forum: Foods in general
Topic: Questions to Wai dieters; raw meat is disgusting? Oil? Salt?
Replies: 4
Views: 6636

I agree that a raw piece of low-quality meat and a cup of corn oil will seem gross to most people. But I think that a plump cut of raw salmon, a yummy yolk sauce, and a bottle of olive oil seems intuitively healthy and appetizing, at least to me. It's just pure protein and pure fat, with nothing bad...
by gracie
Mon 26 Apr 2010 22:47
Forum: Mental Issues
Topic: Advice about Brain Cancer
Replies: 12
Views: 14362

I've researched this a bit, because I was interested in why long-term marijuana smokers don't have an increased rate of lung cancer. I found no evidence that marijuana can prevent cancer. Maybe only in the sense that it may cut stress in a high-stress individual (although admittedly that's like sayi...