month and a half

no testimonies, no problems; just ups and downs
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month and a half

Post by jfk »

Been doing the diet for a month and half now.
I like it, it sort of just fits me. Not wild about
uncomfortable experience of social ostracism -
I didn't realise how food centred everything is,
family life, social life. It's like a permanent
source of entertainment for everyone.
I just want to forget food altogether and just, well
errr, eat! If you know what I mean. So kind of
worried about Christmas because I am not a munch
fooder - and I don't want to be forced into eating
food of that variety.
Oh yeah, white marks on nails, (a thread is cool,
as I haven't read the entire board inside out just yet) -
I think I've developed quite a few recently. I've
heard of the Zinc shortage connection - but I don't
see why I would be in that category. I looked at
the part of the Wai page with Zinc rich fruits, of
which I consume in relative abundance, so I don't
get it :?:
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zinc spots

Post by van »

Yes, I too after starting the diet developed nine spots on several fingers on my right hand only?
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Post by RRM »

My nails are entirely pink. No white spots.
(both hands! :D )
On the 100% strict diet since 1995.

If you eat fruits and animal food rich in zinc, it cannot be a zinc-deficiency, as the foods in this diet are very low in anti-nutrients, as compared to a diet that includes grains (phytic acid!) / veggies, which are rich in anti-nutrients.

I think its due to precipitation of (a) exces mineral(s), which may be absorbed due to diet change - the mineral absorption rates always take some time to get adjusted to your new nutrient intakes.
With time they will therefore disappear, as your nails grow and you cut them.
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Joined: Thu 18 Aug 2005 00:01

Post by rafaelo »

social ostracism..i hear you. thanksgiving i went nuts. ate everything in sight. broke out , of course. but back on the horse and pretty much all clear. i'm like wolverine!!
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