3 months into this - some feedback?

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Re: 3 months into this - some feedback?

Post by jfk »

Anjana wrote:And yea right, my eyesight has become worse since (yea you guessed it) tane, will that improve on this diet what do you think?
Try the Bates Method, it did a lot for my sister. I recommend getting some good books out from the library about it above just the surfing the net as I have found the web info about him and his research limited.

It mostly consists of something called palming which is a simple relaxation technique for the eyes and highly effective in my experience.

You can use these tecniques anywhere any time and they are free...free, yeah no wonder opticians and the medical profession at large turn a blind eye to it (pun pathetically intended). :wink:
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Re: 3 months into this - some feedback?

Post by Oscar »

jfk wrote:Try the Bates Method, it did a lot for my sister. I recommend getting some good books out from the library about it above just the surfing the net as I have found the web info about him and his research limited.
I agree. Basically my advice on page 1 was based on the Bates method. There is an extensive book written by Tom Quackenbush called "Relearning to See". He also bundled Bates' magazines in an even bigger book.
There is another thread where we talked more about it.
jfk wrote:It mostly consists of something called palming which is a simple relaxation technique for the eyes and highly effective in my experience.
Actually palming is only a side technique.
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