When I read this.... I feel so.... I mean, I really really know what you are talking about.That's the point...it is not easy at all. As a matter of fact, it is one of the hardest things to do. That's also why only so few people succeed, and keep succeeding at it. I may sound pessimistic, but unfortunately that's reality.
The upside is that the rewards of being on this diet are so great, you really want to stay on it. Plus, after kicking the cooked food habit, getting the diet to work for you, and being 100%, the addiction loses its grip and you will not be thinking about it much anymore.
But make no mistake, if you are in the presence of food and food-social circumstances you used to love, the urge to try out "if it still tastes as good as it used to" will pop up for sure. And giving in to that urge will be like biking without brakes: hard to stop.
Yes, we are all addicted, and will be until we die.
I really, truly, believe that Wai is the real, right thing to do. But it is sometimes so incredbly hard for me. All my friends, and all people that I meet that I happen to share a mealtime with always, always ask me WHY WAI? And always make the stupid "WHY WAI"-joke (the two words sound the same), and sometimes I just get so tired of always beeing the "Diet-girl", and not the girl that is eating whatever is given to her and fine with it, which seems to be a SO much better thing to most people.
It IS hard to follow wai diet, when ALL the people around you don't, and the bad food is always some place near, and the good food isn't always.
I wish sometimes, that I had at least one friend that also believed in a Wai life. So that I would not always have to explain myself, and why I eat only fruits, and sip olive oil, and eat egg yolks that are raw.
The social life in the world is very centered around food, when you think about it. It is very hard to avoid questions.
And when I get those questions, I become the odd person. The food that I eat becomes I part of who I am to other people. It is so weird, in reality the food that everyone else is eating is really weird but, since I am the only one eating right it is ME that is weird.
Sometimes I wish I could just live on an island with only wai people, with no bad food at all: No ovens or microwave ovens or grills. No pasta, no cheese, no croissants or chocolate or ANYTHING. Only me, a Steinway D and a lot of fruits and non-judging people.... *sigh*
I have been messing up the diet, like, all the time lately. I feel heavy, and fat, and bloated and tired and all that. (Skin is a mess too) I feel so lonely, like I am on this impossible health mission all alone.
But I am now going to try again. Soon I will move to Antwerp, Belgium to study, and then at least I will not have any non-wai food at home (because I will not be living with my brothers anymore). I am even trying to find an appartment without a stove or oven, but I don't know if I will be that lucky. By the way I am in the process of learning dutch now...
Wai is the right thing to do and we are all in this together! Sorry if this has nothing at all to do with the discussion, but I didn't know where else to post this...