Wai said this. Is the conversion of fructose to glucose is what makes this monosaccharide so benevolent? Starches are bad becase as soon as it is broken down, it is already glucose and already will spike the blood sugar level?Starches, for example, are 'complex' sugars; they are long chains of glucose only, and they therefore spike the blood glucose level much stronger than fruit-sugars do, (a mixture of glucose, fructose, sucrose (sucrose=glucose+fructose) and others) because fructose first needs to be converted into glucose* before it can elevate the blood sugar level.
Starches are far more dangerous than other sugars, and they are primarily present in grains, beans and foods like pasta, pizza and bread
What about sucrose? Everyone says sugar is so bad for you but half of sucrose is fructose, so you are looking at like 50% good and 50% bad
What about liquid carbohydrates, fruit juices in particular. I read that liquid carbohydrates are much quicker to raise blood sugar than their solid counterparts. Should I try to use whole fruits instead of their juices or does it not even matter?