Where to order unshelled Nuts in Europe online?

About consuming nuts (and seeds)
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Location: Austria

Where to order unshelled Nuts in Europe online?

Post by Marcel »

Hi guys,

first I'd like to introduce myself shortly: I'm a 18 year old male from Austria and new to this diet. Trying to get rid of the acne I have like 3 years or so. Its now the fourth day for me with the Sample Diet and I already see changes - seems to work :)

Now my actual question: Does anyone know where I could order unshelled nuts (mainly Brazil Nuts, love them :wink: ) online with shipment to Austria?

At the moment I consume these brazil nuts. The shop declares them as "raw-food quality". Should be ok as well?!

regards, Marcel
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Post by RRM »

Hi Marcel,
Welcome to the forum.
Unfortunately, they are not okay, because they have been shelled already, so that they may cause acne. Especially in the beginning you better be very careful. Once your acne is gone, you can start experimenting with those shelled nuts you are eating now.
I think you can get unshelled nuts online, but you can find that info somewhere in those other threads...
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