Orange Juice studies

About consuming fruits; fresh, dried or juiced.
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Orange Juice studies

Post by dime »

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Re: Can Drinking Orange Juice Aid in Cancer Prevention?

Post by RRM »

"The chemopreventive action of OJ is related to its effect on metabolic enzymes and its antiinflammatory, cytoprotective/apoptotic, hormonal, cell signaling-modulating, antioxidant, and antigenotoxic effects.
Älso from the article:
"Excessive drinking of orange juice for individuals (children, hypertensive, kidney-compromised, and diabetics) ... has been associated with both food allergies and bacterial outbreaks in cases where the juice was unpasteurized..."
But its not about drinking OJ in general.
From the article:
"sour orange (Citrus auratium) extracts have been shown to induce weight gain and increase blood pressure and cardiac dysfunctions in hypertensive subjects, possibly because of its synephrine, octopamine, and furocumarin content. Indeed, sour orange juice (SOJ) should be avoided by individuals with severe hypertension or glaucoma and by those taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors."
Also from the full text:
Unpasteurized OJ is a known vehicle for salmonellosis, and several cases of outbreaks of bacterial infections were reported in the United States (127).
But from the reference' free full text:
We identified 152 cases in 23 states. ... illness was associated with consuming unpasteurized orange juice from company X.
The US Food and Drug Administration found that company X was noncompliant with the juice Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point regulation and isolated Salmonella serotype Saintpaul from company X's orange juice.
Conclusions. Unpasteurized orange juice from company X was the vehicle of a widespread outbreak of salmonellosis.
So, its not that fresh (non-pasteurized) OJ is potentially dangerous regarding the outbreak of bacteria,
no, this is about a contaminated food product.

Also from the full article: ... jiCmyNBu71
OJ is considered among the top micronutrient-dense juices ... consumption of OJ was associated with ...biomarkers of positive health outcomes, including lower total cholesterol and LDL levels.
OJ also provides substantial amounts of phenolic substances, particularly of flavonoids, that can also have chemopreventive action (12)
OJ, similar to other juices, has been shown to inhibit certain types of infections.
OJ has been shown to enhance the absorption of minerals such as iron (65), aluminum (66), calcium (67), zinc (68) and selenium (69).
OJ has also been shown to interfere with the bioavailability of several medicines. OJ was shown to reduce the absorption of acetylsalicylic acid (71), β-adrenergic blocking agents (72),(73), antihistamines (74), HIV-protease inhibitors (75), chemotherapeutic agents (76), and hypoglycemic drugs (77).
Because of the potential influence of OJ on drug absorption and metabolism, it is recommended that patients avoid consuming OJ while taking medication (78)
The use of OJ as a substitute for meals can lead to malnutrition and decreased stature in children (126).
Ha, tell that to my daughter...
They refer to an article that actually concludes:
"The previously reported associations between short stature and high intakes of fruit juice were observed for intakes of both apple juice and grape juice. The associations between high fruit juice intakes and obesity were observed with apple juice intakes only. Because most of the fruit juice mixtures were classified as single fruit juices, the findings, especially those with grape juice, need to be cautiously interpreted. High intakes of fruit juice, however, appear to be associated with growth extremes in young children. Thus, it would seem prudent for parents and caretakers to moderate the fruit juice intakes of their young children."
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Re: Orange Juice studies

Post by dime »

I changed the topic to "Orange Juice studies", would be nice to collect the research related to OJ in one place, especially since we drink a lot of it :)
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Re: Orange Juice studies

Post by Kasper »
The combination of glucose or water and the HFHC meal induced oxidative and inflammatory stress and an increase in TLR expression and plasma endotoxin concentrations. In contrast, orange juice intake with the HFHC meal prevented meal-induced oxidative and inflammatory stress, including the increase in endotoxin and TLR expression. These observations may help explain the mechanisms underlying postprandial oxidative stress and inflammation, pathogenesis of insulin resistance, and atherosclerosis.
Although both glucose and cream induce NF-κB binding and an increase in the expression of SOCS3, TNF-α, and IL-1β in MNCs, only cream caused an increase in LPS concentration and TLR-4 expression. Equicaloric amounts of orange juice or water did not induce a change in any of these indexes. These changes are relevant to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and insulin resistance.
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Re: Orange Juice studies

Post by RRM »

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Re: Orange Juice studies

Post by Emeira »

I think this study shows that blended fruit juices has significantly higher phytochemicals contents and antioxidant capacity vs fruit juices from mechanical press juice extractor (slow juicer Hurom HH-SBF11)

...maybe throwing all pulp away isn't such a good idea after all?
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Re: Orange Juice studies

Post by RRM »

Well, if you eat trea bark, the level of phytochemicals will be much higher, and antioxidant capacity.
More is not better, necessarily.
Antioxidants and radicals need to be in balance.
You need radicals for everything (to use oxygen and nutrients).
They are at least as important as their opponents; the antioxidants.
Drinking just sieved juices, you get plenty of antioxidants.
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Re: Orange Juice studies

Post by Mia »

I wonder if there is a link between orange juice and melanoma. Especially when you are light skinned and sensitive to the sun? I found this article a few years ago, and thought there might be a risk, but I don't know if I understand it right.
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Re: Orange Juice studies

Post by Aytundra »

The question would be what were the people in the study drinking?
Was it industry made orange juice?
or was it fresh orange juice?
Did the industry make orange juice have flavour packs? (lots of companies do this)
Did the flavour packs have citrus oils (and produced from rinds containing furanocoumarins)?; it is cheaper to juice the rinds for more flavour and smell.
Did they add grapefruit to the orange juice, or adding other citrus fruits to it, to make the flavour taste better?; they may have blended other citrus juice to cut costs, grapefruit or another citrus being cheaper than oranges.
Did they select the right oranges? Some species of oranges contain less furanocoumarins.
Here is an article showing oranges and furanocoumarin content.
{good article to read before you select which type of orange trees to plant}.
ImageFigure 8 from
Dugrand-Judek, A., Olry, A., Hehn, A., Costantino, G., Ollitrault, P., Froelicher, Y., & Bourgaud, F. (2015). The Distribution of Coumarins and Furanocoumarins in Citrus Species Closely Matches Citrus Phylogeny and Reflects the Organization of Biosynthetic Pathways. PLoS ONE, 10(11), e0142757.
A tundra where will we be without trees? Thannnks!
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Re: Orange Juice studies

Post by RRM »

In the study, the correlation between Melanoma and orange juice consumption was found among a group of 414 subjects with melanomas. I think that's a very small group to base such a statistical correlation on.
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