Big Problem! Estrogen pill + Wai-acne-diet

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Big Problem! Estrogen pill + Wai-acne-diet

Post by MariaLinn »

Hey! =) Ive just started this wonderful diet now 2 days ago hoping to get rid of my acne, but i have a big problem! Would be so greatful if someone could answear me this please.

For the past four - five months ive been eating this p-pill called Zyrona/Diane, containing:

2mg/35microgram ethinylestradiol. 31mg lactos. monohydr. color (E171, E172) et constit. qs

...Thats what the labe says, and it is an anti-androgen and estrogen 'birtcontrol'-pill that is suppose to get rid of acne. Ive been on this pill for acne and hairloss and sure my skin is better but not perfect, thats why i wanted to do this diet.

BUT now for the problem; then i red in the dietplan that hormonal-pills ans stuff are a big nono on this diet. But im scared to death to stop taking this pill becaus the doctor says that once you start taking estrogen pills the body shuts down/lowers its own production of estrogens (and keeps it low even if you go off the pill) so if I stop with this pill I will loose a lot of hair and get a lot of acne back im afraid =/

So... what to do? is it possible to be on the diet and still take this pill? what can happen if i do? or should i go off the pill and completly rely on the diet to fix my problems?

Because the reason i lost hair i think was because my testosteron levels got to high (due to alot of weight training in the past) and i also had eating disorders (but im normalweight) and i developed folliculitus on my scalp wich means that the root of the hair (or something) gets infected (like scalp acne) and makes the hair fall of. Do i dare to dream that this diet will fix that to....? In that case i really could go off the pill, but gaaaaah i just dont know what to do... cant afford to loose anymore hair =/

Ive always lost more hair when my acne is at its worst (when i excercise, eat alot of bad food etc) so that means that my acne and hairloss are somehow caused by the same thing, testosterone? excess sebum? so if i think about it they should be able to be 'cured' by the same thing as well...?

There are some sideeffects to this estrogen pill, like bloating and stuff so my absolute dream would be to stop taking it and only eat wai-food.

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Re: Big Problem! Estrogen pill + Wai-acne-diet

Post by RRM »

MariaLinn wrote: the problem; then i red in the dietplan that hormonal-pills ans stuff are a big nono on this diet. But im scared to death to stop taking this pill
Yes, i understand.
As the pill did help you to some extend, you can try to combine it with this diet. Its a no-no as this way tryting the diet in combination with the pill cannot tell you anything about this diet, but as you dont want to go off the pill, you can try to do it the other way around. First you clear your skin 100%, and then you gradually wean of the pill.
The downside of this approach is the insecurity; if it doesnt work you dont know why and if it does work you dont know why, until you completely weaned off the pill.
So, it takes a lot more determination.
thats your choice, but if you are strong enough, you can do it.

i developed folliculitus on my scalp wich means that the root of the hair (or something) gets infected (like scalp acne) and makes the hair fall of. Do i dare to dream that this diet will fix that to....?
not the diet but your body will fix that once you do everything right.
this diet can help you with that.
There are some sideeffects to this estrogen pill, like bloating and stuff
Yes, so it may be that the combination of this pill and the diet will not work. But you can try...
so my absolute dream would be to stop taking it and only eat wai-food.
Well, thats worth a try!!! :-)
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Re: Big Problem! Estrogen pill + Wai-acne-diet

Post by MariaLinn »

Thank you very much for your positive answear! :D

Since the bloating i mentioned caused by this pill is only locaded to the breast-area (and I have no acne there) I ll give it a try for now and combine both the diet and the pill :)

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