New need help! Daily eating plan?
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Mon 01 Nov 2010 20:08
New need help! Daily eating plan?
Hello I wish to begin the Wai diet for my acne but I need help creating a daily eating plan. I am a 19 year old female. I am about 5'11 (180 cm) and weigh 130 pounds. Can someone suggest a daily eating plan for me using sashimi (not raw egg yolk)? I don't want to undereat!
For instance how many pieces of sashimi (tuna or salmon) should I eat a day if I am not eating raw egg yolk?
Thank you so much!
For instance how many pieces of sashimi (tuna or salmon) should I eat a day if I am not eating raw egg yolk?
Thank you so much!
Re: New need help!
Welcome Journey!
It depends on how big the pieces are. Something like 2 to 3 oz will be ok.
You should eat or drink something at least every half hour.
Unless you have just eaten a big bowl of salad (tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, vinegar, sugar) in one sitting.
You should prevent feeling weak, or even dizzy.
Each time before starting to feel a bit weak, you need to consume something immediately.
Drinking that often is much easier than eating that often.
Do you have a juicer at home? Citrus juicer? Masticating juicer?
It depends on how big the pieces are. Something like 2 to 3 oz will be ok.
You should eat or drink something at least every half hour.
Unless you have just eaten a big bowl of salad (tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, vinegar, sugar) in one sitting.
You should prevent feeling weak, or even dizzy.
Each time before starting to feel a bit weak, you need to consume something immediately.
Drinking that often is much easier than eating that often.
Do you have a juicer at home? Citrus juicer? Masticating juicer?
Re: New need help! Daily eating plan?
Thank you so much RRM! Unfortunately, I don't have a juicer and they look too expensive. I have some more questions.
Does all my protein come from the sashimi?
What if I want to include Brazilian nuts in my daily eating plan? Do I have to cut down on the sashimi because the nuts are high in protein? If not, roughly how many nuts should I eat a day?
How much protein do I need to consume daily?
Also is it necessary to eat the sashimi every day if I do not plan on eating raw egg yolk? Would it be possible to just eat what I would need for the week over a span of 3 or 4 days a week? If so, do I increase the amount I eat on these days?m
Lastly, do I really need to eat or drink every 1/2 hour? Does water count? I do not get hungry that often.
Does all my protein come from the sashimi?
What if I want to include Brazilian nuts in my daily eating plan? Do I have to cut down on the sashimi because the nuts are high in protein? If not, roughly how many nuts should I eat a day?
How much protein do I need to consume daily?
Also is it necessary to eat the sashimi every day if I do not plan on eating raw egg yolk? Would it be possible to just eat what I would need for the week over a span of 3 or 4 days a week? If so, do I increase the amount I eat on these days?m
Lastly, do I really need to eat or drink every 1/2 hour? Does water count? I do not get hungry that often.
Re: New need help! Daily eating plan?
A cheap juicer works too, like: ... id=8044756
Did you read Acne Sample Diet?
Because we eat small meals/snacks or drink sips, we have to eat far more often than the usual 3 meals a day. It depends on how much you eat/drink in one sitting how long it'll last. One sip of OJ+OO(+sugar) might last 20 mins, a salad of banana+apple or avocado+tomato might last 1 hour. Since your body isn't yet used to this regimen, you might have to eat/drink consciously in the beginning, until your body gives you the (very slight) hunger signals more frequently.
Did you read Acne Sample Diet?
Because we eat small meals/snacks or drink sips, we have to eat far more often than the usual 3 meals a day. It depends on how much you eat/drink in one sitting how long it'll last. One sip of OJ+OO(+sugar) might last 20 mins, a salad of banana+apple or avocado+tomato might last 1 hour. Since your body isn't yet used to this regimen, you might have to eat/drink consciously in the beginning, until your body gives you the (very slight) hunger signals more frequently.
Re: New need help! Daily eating plan?
No, all foods contain protein.Journey wrote:Does all my protein come from the sashimi?
Its just that fish contains much more protein than fruits / juices,
but on the other hand you are eating way more fruits / juices than fish.
If you are susceptible to acne, you might want to start with that just once your skin has cleared.What if I want to include Brazilian nuts in my daily eating plan?
Eating no nuts, 3 oz of fish will be ok for you.Do I have to cut down on the sashimi because the nuts are high in protein?
3 oz of fish (plus the fruits / juices) will take care of that.How much protein do I need to consume daily?
Yes.Also is it necessary to eat the sashimi every day if I do not plan on eating raw egg yolk?
Eating nothing on day one and double the portion on day 2 (6 oz)
might be too much in one sitting, temporarily causing elevated protein levels, and acne.
No.Would it be possible to just eat what I would need for the week over a span of 3 or 4 days a week?
Just buy like 7 x 3 oz of fish for a whole week and divide it into 7 portions.
Put 5 portions in the freezer, and start day 1 and 2 with the remaining 2 portions.
Yes, because its extremely hard to eat big meals on this diet,Lastly, do I really need to eat or drink every 1/2 hour?
so that you will be lacking energy in between meals.
Then you will start to feel weak, lose weight and give up on this diet.
No, it doesnt contain any energy.Does water count?
There are different types of hunger.I do not get hungry that often.
The hunger that you are referring to is 'stomach hunger' that occurs when a big meal has been totally digested,
and left your stomach; your stomach will be empty and telling you that you are hungry.
This, indeed, doesnt happen so often on a normal diet.
With this diet the (high energy) juices will rapidly leave your stomach, whereas the fiber from whole fruits may stay there for a while,
without providing you with energy.
With this diet you need to keep track of your energy levels instead,
to prevent feeling weak in between meals.
To keep your energy levels up, you must eat at least eat/drink every half hour.
Re: New need help! Daily eating plan?
@Oscar: Thank you. I read the diet, but I was still confused about the amount of protein I should be ingesting daily. Also, is the juicer you suggested allowed on the acne sample diet? I just want to be sure because I've read so many rules about what kind of juicers are/aren't allowed and I've lost track of them.
@RRM: Thank you once again. I guess I'll have to leave the nuts out. I actually started the diet yesterday. Good thing I haven't eaten any nuts yet. As for the fish, I've been going to a Japanese restaurant (well yesterday and today) but it is sort of expensive. I live in a dorm and I don't know how much my roommates would appreciate me storing fresh fish in the freezer. If I were to buy fresh fish from the local market, would I have to clean it myself?
@RRM: Thank you once again. I guess I'll have to leave the nuts out. I actually started the diet yesterday. Good thing I haven't eaten any nuts yet. As for the fish, I've been going to a Japanese restaurant (well yesterday and today) but it is sort of expensive. I live in a dorm and I don't know how much my roommates would appreciate me storing fresh fish in the freezer. If I were to buy fresh fish from the local market, would I have to clean it myself?
Re: New need help! Daily eating plan?
Yes, the juicer is allowed on both the Wai Diet and the Acne Sample Diet. Basically any juicer which works according to that principle is fine.
Regarding the fish, you can freeze the portions in separate plastic bags and take out 1 every day, a few hours before eating it. You'd probably have to clean the fish if you buy it fresh from the market, though they might take out the entrails and cut off the head, or even fillet it for you. It helps to have a sharp knife for that. I'd recommend mackerel.
Regarding the fish, you can freeze the portions in separate plastic bags and take out 1 every day, a few hours before eating it. You'd probably have to clean the fish if you buy it fresh from the market, though they might take out the entrails and cut off the head, or even fillet it for you. It helps to have a sharp knife for that. I'd recommend mackerel.
Re: New need help! Daily eating plan?
Thank you for the quick response. I'm going to purchase the juicer because I feel like I don't eat enough.
Re: New need help! Daily eating plan?
Out of curiosity, is there a reason you don't want to eat any eggs? They are probably reasonably cheaper than sashimi from a restaurant. I personally mix them with OJ and find this drink delicious. They used to put raw egg in some Orange Julius drinks back in like the 1980's or somethingbefore it was illegal

Re: New need help! Daily eating plan?
CSIV I wouldn't mind trying the eggs with OJ, though I am not sure I would be able to stomach it, but my mom is scared that I may get salmonella poisoning. I am sure it is a lot cheaper than getting sashimi from a restaurant.
Re: New need help! Daily eating plan?
As long as you start slowly and build it up gradually, you're fine. Everyone on this diet for some years has consumed thousands of egg yolks without any problem. Actually, being used to eating raw egg yolks is the surest way to never get salmonella poisoning (aside from never eating egg( containing product)s). 

Re: New need help! Daily eating plan?
Im 100% sure you can stomach it.Journey wrote:I wouldn't mind trying the eggs with OJ, though I am not sure I would be able to stomach it
Everybody who tries it, is perfectly fine with it.
And yes, its cheaper and easier / more widely available.
In your mind, would you be able to stomach a teaspoon egg yolk?
In order to be able to get salmonella poisoning, you need to cultivate the salmonella so that it can multiply many mom is scared that I may get salmonella poisoning.
In the egg yolk this is not possible, as the conditions are not right.
And even if it would be possible, the egg yolk would be not firm anymore, and burst open when you crack the shell.
Only if the drained egg yolk is mixed in with other food (desert or similar) and then stored in the fridge,
it is possible to cultivate the salmonella sufficiently to be able to cause salmonella poisoning.
Thats exactly the standard cause of salmonella poisoning. You can look it up.
Re: New need help! Daily eating plan?
Thank you both for all the information. I think I will try the raw egg yolk. How thoroughly are you allowed to mix it into the OJ? I think I read somewhere in the diet, that mixing/blending the yolk can damage the protein?
Re: New need help! Daily eating plan?
Just stir it in, don't use a mixer or blender.
Another very tasty combi is mashed banana with egg yolk (and coconut oil).
Another very tasty combi is mashed banana with egg yolk (and coconut oil).
Re: New need help! Daily eating plan?
Okay that's good to know. I have another question. When I am starting out with the teaspoon of egg yolk for the first three days, can I mix it with something or do I just take the egg yolk by itself to build up tolerance?