Review my plan

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Review my plan

Post by needhelpjjj »

I have read the book and plan to start the WAI diet from next week. Here is what I plan to eat:

As mush organic ripe sweet fruits that I can eat followed by salad (organic red bell pepper***, organic cucumber, organic first cold pressed extra virgin olive oil) and/or Raw organic shelled* brazil nuts**
Before eating fruits - wait for 2 hours after eating food with fat - to avoid bad food combining/gas/etc

Reason for the deviation from recommended wai diet
*** I cant eat tomatoes/avocado due to mild allergic reactions. red bell pepper is very ripe and actually a fruit, so thinking of using that instead... thoughts?
** I have noticed that raw nuts make me break out fast and I cant digest them well. Soaking nuts in water for a few hours does helps this... thoughts?
* I bought nuts in shell and the most expensive nut cracker I could find on amazon but was unable to crack a single brazil nut :( so left with no choice but to buy shelled nuts

Since I am a vegan, I am going to hold off on sashimi or raw egg yolk for now... but I am may venture here if I cant manage with olive oil and nuts...

Would appreciate any feedback in the next few days before I start the diet :)

Thank you!
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Re: Review my plan

Post by overkees »

Hey needhelpjjj, welcome to the forum!

First of all, what is your motive? Your reasons for starting the diet? If it's acne then you should really stop eating brazil nuts without shell. Try wallnuts if shelling your brazil nuts is too hard. Or hazelnuts, which are in fact fruit (I recommend these).

Fruit is designed by the plants to be eated and spread the seeds. So it has several tactics:
Bananas and kiwis contain a lot of seeds which don't contain a lot of antinutrients because there are so many there will always survive a few.
Oranges have big seeds which are spit out if animals eat them, or are pooped out as whole seed because the shell is so hard.
The apple family have bitter tasting fruit flesh near the seeds, which tells animals to stop eating.
Nuts have very protective peels, so they are hard to break open they are eaten a lot by birds and collector animals like squirrels. They will always lose some on the way and because the thick peel it will survive on the ground.

A biological nut is a a fruit with a hard shell. But what we call nuts is often a seed. Brazil nuts are seeds. But what makes it different from other seeds is the very hard shell around it. Because of the hard shell, almost no animal can eat it. So the seed has almost got no antinutrients in it. It protects itself with the thick shell instead of the antinutrients. Same goes for macadamias. Walnuts however, which are also seeds, are much easier to break and will therefore contain more antinutrients. But is still okay for the wai diet.

Most people consume too much nuts though. So watch out not to eat too many of m!

I would also recommend to eat your fat with your fruit. I drink 2 L OJ with 5 mashed bananas in it and 50 - 100 mL of oil in it. And around supper I eat 10 yolks, this is my entire diet (1.90 tall mildly active) except for the days I workout. Oil gives you a satiated feeling and is very important for all kinds of functions in your body, including energy. It also prevent blood sugar spikes. So please consume every fruit meal with enough fat!

Eating 3 meals is not a smart thing to do when on wai. No one is able to do wai the 3 meal way with an occasional snack for a long time. If you are really getting it right, you will automatically increase your meals. And trust me, it's really hard to get it right. So eat more, way more meals. More like +7 meals. Eating big meals is really bad for blood sugar spikes. So please eat more smaller meals! All with enough fat!

Also I would really recommend to eat a few eggs each day. They are extremely healthy and very very nutrient rich. They also contain very good quality protein. And vitamin b12 which you can't get from plant sources and is really important for well being. Sorry for saying it, but not eating animal protein is a very unnatural thing to do. And really unhealthy.
Just eating a minimum of 3 would be a really good start. I would say 5-6 a day is the minimum, but if you really have troubles with eating it try to at least eat a few. I don't get it, why won't you eat yolks? If you buy organic yolks the chicken can eat freely and will have no stress or whatsoever. And besides the eggs are all unfertillized so you aren't actually eating a living organism. Just the building blocks for it. I really can't see why not to eat it.
Yeah fish and meat I understand. But organic egg yolks are perfectly fine. And if that's not good enough, go to a farmer with a perfect living environment for the chickens and buy it from them. It doesn't have to be much, as long as it's something. Also when considering omega3 fatty acids.

You could also eat fruit alternated with a few nuts (2-3 nuts) if you dislike the oil very much.

About the bell peppers. If they taste real sweet and are really ripe it should be no problem. But watch out! If unripe they contain a lot more oxalate, an antinutrient. You don't actually need it. Eating fruits will be perfectly fine, avocado and tomatos or cucumber are not essential. It's just for the people who really can't go without the vegetable part. Carrots are okay aswell. And onions and garlic shouldn't be a big problem too. But that's practically it..

Be careful though, don't eat too much nuts, try yolks, and be careful with the veggie/fruit side (peppers, aubergine). It's better ro stay on the fruit and fruit/veggie side (cucumber, tomato).

I wish you good luck. Oh, and did I mention yolks?
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Re: Review my plan

Post by needhelpjjj »

Thank you overkees - appreciate your response

Here's more info about me and my goals -
I am 5'2" 110 pounds, female, 33
I have cyctic acne on chin that I have been able to control with a topical antibiotic...
and lots of small bumps on forehead... nothing works for these...
I have cellulite that I want to lose and also lose around 10 pounds
Although I am not over weight I have a lot of fat hanging out of my lower body - saddlebags etc and my body fat is close to 30% that I want to reduce

Since I lead a sedentary lifestyle and am ony 5'2" I plan to consume 1200 to 1400 calories a day...

Modifed Diet Plan (for first 2 weeks - Starting 12/17)
As mush organic ripe sweet fresh fruits that I can eat, immediately followed by a salad with organic ripe/sweet red bell pepper, organic cucumber, generous organic first cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
Wait for 2 hours after eating fats before the next round of fruits

Plan B - Will keep eggs in stock and consume 1 egg yolk end of day if needed
If I still feel hungry/major cravings I plan to eat more fruits followed by 1 egg yolk & olive oil - My focus will be to stick to the diet and not count calories...

Holding off on nuts, raw fish, dried fruits, tomato, avocado, herbs, garlic, onion, carrot, etc for the first 2 weeks
I guess I will just avoid nuts for the first 2 weeks - given I just cant shell them...
Yes - after playing around with various types of diets - vegan/low carb/high fat and low fat raw.... I have noticed that eating lots of fruits not followed by fat leads to a dissatisfied feeling until I eat a lot of fat :)
Yes - I will stock up on organic omega3 cage free eggs, I have played with a few eggs already while making them for my son - so have figured out how to remove the bag/white and seperate out the creamy yolk alone... its my Plan B if needed during the first 2 weeks

Would appreciate all feedback/guidence in the next few days before I start the diet!!
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Re: Review my plan

Post by overkees »

Sounds like a good plan. But please don't eat too big of a meal. Certainly when you're going for losing weight. I will repost my example how gaining weight works (simplified):
overkees wrote: Example:
Your body needs 80 mg/dl glucose and it is 60 at that moment. You are starting to feel hungry. In the meantime it drops even lower.
Glucagon will be secreted due to this, it raises the blood sugar slowly to what is needed and you will start to use energy from body fat (fat store) and glycogen (your sugar store).
But you will still be hungry (and thank god, otherwise we would starve ourselves to death) and you start to eat too much and your blood sugar will now reach say 140 temporally. This is a very high level and your body immediately starts secreting alot insulin. This will have the effect that you will store the energy that is not needed back into your sugar store (glycogen). However, this store is very limited and if you have no exercise it will be filled very quick. Exercise uses mainly sugar stores (glycogen) for energy. If it's full the rest will be converted to body fat (fat store). This is how you gain weight.

However, if you need 70 and start to eat a small meal and reach 90. Only your glycogen is refilled. There is no excess energy and no body fat is created. And this is what you want, only refilling sugar stores. See the sugar stores as temporary and fat stores as more permanent.
So constantly eating too much at a meal will mess with your hunger feeling. If you eat more smaller meals you will be less hungry and are less likely to overeat.
It works like this: eating a few big meals with a lot of time in between ----> you will use the fat storage more often.
Eating small meals with not much time in between ---> you will use the glycogen store only.

If energy is going low, you will still have the glucagon secretion which promotes the usage of fat as fuel. So if you consume small meals you will more often secrete glucagon, so more energy reserves are plundered. Without feeling hungry. Plus you learn to live with a empty stomache, which for me is the biggest award. Because everything tastes really good on an empty stomache ;). That's where I get the motivation from.

If you still plan on having big meals then please do so only in the morning, when your glycogen stores are lowest (sleeping uses energy too). Then only your glycogen will be refilled and not your fat store! Then later on the day switching to smaller meals.

But I understand that you're not used to this kind of eating, so you could try to gradually adapt to it. But it's definetely a must for doing this diet the right way. The optimal wai way.

Break a leg! That you may live an acne-free, healthy and long life :)
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Re: Review my plan

Post by needhelpjjj »

I think I get the recommendation - small meals until you feel satisfied... I like to be eating all the time :) so that should be doable
So lets say I have eaten some fruits followed by olive oil... after how many hours should I eat more fruits? when I feel mild hunger? or after 1 hour/2 hours?

Thank you!
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Re: Review my plan

Post by overkees »

Yeah, go for hunger signals. In the beginning this can be tricky, because hungry means eating until your belly is pretty full for the most people. And this is what you don't want. You need to learn how to recognise low energy symptoms. If you're getting good at the wai diet, there should be none. But try to see for a few weeks how much you need exactly. Most people eat too little on this diet. Then there will be headaches, nervousness, cold, sweaty hands and a higher heart beat. These are the symptoms that are okay to have from time to time, especially in the beginning. However, if you experience symptoms like heavy mood swings, confusion or difficulty speaking/thinking, you know you are eating far too little. So these should be avoided at all cost.

I would recommend eating at least every 2 hours. Small meals, and if low energy some fruit as a snack. Dried fruit is great for quick energy. Or bananas.

I should note that if you eat less energy than you use you will lose pounds of course. But it's more important to remember that it's not really about burning fat to lose weight, but more like not adding more body fat and depending more on your sugar stores (glycogen store).
And that dietary fat plays a less significant role in weight gaining than too much carbs.

If you've got any questions please ask.
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