Newbie with questions...

There are lots of rules you can break; so thats what happens a lot...
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Post by summerwave »

Most of my seeming tradeoffs and difficulties also came down to 2 things: clear skin or good digestion? (which would seem to be the same, but they were not to me, as level of protein, type of sugars, etc, all seemed to need unbelievable finetuning to support both of these). Appearance or comfort/feeling good?

I often felt I could not have both! It seemed in my case I had to solve one problem (digestion) first. To that end, I ate more cooked protein at first, which did not present a digestive problem as it was sugar/starch/carbohydrate-free, but was horrible for the skin. Every meal seemed fraught with a terrible choice.

Again, it is amazing now to be healthy, though looking back I must still say there was zero margin for error. It took for me incredible persistence and adjustment. Of course it is worth it all...
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Post by Jodiat »

Interesting. Acne and digestion are very very related. The 1.5 hour 'relax' time after protein in this diet shows this - you want the blood in the bowels and liver to help so being active shunts digestion. I use ginger and peppermint tea sometimes to aid digestion. Most of my digestion problems was with carbs - fat and protein seemed ok (digestion wise) but cooked protein causes more problems for my skin. Also food combining helps and sequential eating developed by Dr S Bass even more so. Somtimes how you eat can be more important then what you eat for digestion.

Ginger really is great for the blood too and the blood and acne are very much related. If they wasnt then we could eat anything, even cooked food and not have acne. Everytime I have worked on cleaning my blood and liver my acne goes down and skin glows. This diet is similar because the cleansing to building food ratio is in favour of clean blood - and this starts with good digestion. I belive the liver is very overlooked when it comes to acne when in reality this humble organ is often the weakest link for acne sufferers.
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Post by summerwave »

I think this is true; for some reason I had to modify things in such a way that I did have the two variables in different corners.

My digestion was poor and cooked protein had a sedative effect on the colon (takes a long time to digest, too), as RRM has also mentioned. And when you are very compromised you become afraid of bacteria in raw animal food causing problems, and even more weight loss, etc. So indeed it is true that both are intimately related, but for a long while I had to trade off one symptom for another, which was very, very difficult.

But enough about my past health; the experimentation and sensitivity to effects of foods still goes on; it is worthwhile and has resulted in excellent health. We all find our way; there can be many reversals, but it is more than satisfying to succeed in listening to the body, no matter how difficult it seems along the way.
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Post by Jodiat »

Well Ill be honest here. Heres some of my hang ups of the diet so far.

I still cant get my head around the fiber part of this diet. Is it needed or not? I know whole fruit has alot of fiber but I dont eat enough of it to get alot, around 10/15grams per day maybe less.
Im also worried about too much olive oil breaking me out or upsetting the omega ratio. Im using 50-100ml
Im less worried that sugar is upsetting insulin and candidia tho now. However im worried maybe my body has a problem uptaking sugars, when I added 100grams of sugar the past 2 days to my litre of OJ and OO Ive noticed breakout pimples and much more mood swings lol. Maybe im taking too much too soon or my sugar levels are stable and ive taken too much. Now im adding 1litre of OJ to 3 litres of water for the day and when more active I think ill add sugar. Then it leads me back to calories! I guess as each day im either active or in-active my calories are left right and centre.
Its also slightly expensive with the fish etc.

Some plus points. Rose water is giving a nice effect. My skin is super smooth and looks healthy and hydrated. The diet is super easy to follow and saves alot of time while giving much more then meets the eye.
My muscles have changed too...while ive not gained weight (altho reality I have because im off creatine) they look and feel different. I just worry now that I will find it hard to gain weight...maintaining isnt too hard but I want to build somewhat as 130kg for a man is very light weight. Lean I might be but theres another body fat is low and winter is coming!
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Post by Jodiat »

Scrap the fiber part I fully understand that now.

Also would like to add more plus points so far. My digestion and stomach feel really good. There never feels a strain and I feel alot lighter and have good energy levels. My cysts are also clearing faster and the time they are inflamed is reduced by days.

I think im going to get really good results in a few months, maybe longer as my body isnt strong and hasnt been for awhile now.
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Post by Oscar »

I'm assuming you mean 130lbs, as 130kg isn't that lightweight in my book ;)
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Post by Jodiat »

130lbs yup, rofl. Man bad typo or what.

Yeah so building muscle has always been hard for me. The only time I got bigger - around 160lbs I was eating so much raw salmon and whey protein...and my skin look baaad. Cysts on my chest which I never often get. Also alot of that weight could have been junk in the bowels as I was often bloated and constipated.
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Post by Jodiat »

My diet is:

1litre of OJ
50Ml of EVOO
240g Raw Salmon
50grams of Sugar
2 litres of water added to my OJ and EVOO
1-4 big spoons on Coconut oil
1 Spoon of Lecithin
3-5 whole fruits
1 raw walnut
2 raw brazil nuts

Im sneezing alot more, breakouting here and there. My mood feels stable unless I use too much sugars in one go I get cranky. Im sleeping 10-12 hours per night - looks like my body needs to recover alot. Ive gained muscle too, the muscle quality has improved aswell due to plenty of potassium and hardly any sodium. Im on day 7 and was 100% untill last night when I ate a small bit of sponge cake with some fat which my girlfriend made for everyone for halloween.
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Post by Jodiat »

Also I have not lifted weight for a few days and next week I will have off to totally recover and rebuild from the inside. I think my energy is needed more to recover some internal problems then on muscle for now.
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Post by Jodiat »

ok im going to follow the same diet 100% to the T for 2 weeks. Im cutting my protein from 240g salmon to 120gs (50g - 25gs). Im going to use 30Ml of olive oil and im not using OJ im going to eat whole fruits with coconut oil.

I will give this 2 weeks from tomorrow and i might not lift weights for that time. If this dosnt help im going to use b5 or might even try accutane.
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Post by Jodiat »

Oi ye I was thinking of only using kiwis any ideas on this?
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Post by Oscar »

How much energy does this give you?
Why lecithin?
Why so much added water?
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Post by Jodiat »

Not sure yet im going to work out costs and calories soon.
I dont use eggs and want lecithin in my diet.
I dont want to retain water right now.
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Post by Oscar »

Why do you want lecithin in your diet?

Retaining water isn't solved by consuming more water. Also, the lecithin probably contributes to the water retention you're trying to prevent...
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Post by Jodiat »

Because its a good fat which I dont get from eggs and is very good for the liver.

I dont follow. Are you saying I dont need water and only water from fruit will surfice and thus I will not retain water? I would have thought a lack of water and the body would hold onto as much as it needs, retaining it.

Also im not sure how lecithin retains water? Please enlighten me.
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