on diet help!

There are lots of rules you can break; so thats what happens a lot...
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Re: on diet help!

Post by dime »

it's better to eat the egg yolk and salmon the same day.
you can eat any fruits you like, at any time you like (morning/night doesn't make a difference).
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Re: on diet help!

Post by RRM »

DiF wrote:
RRM wrote:
DiF wrote: I am eating this every 2 hours(or something like this)
meal: 2 fruits and 1 salad(half cucumber, 1/3 tomato, 1/4 avocado, olive oil)
All in one sitting?
yes... first the fruits and then the salad
I should not? how I have to eat them?
Not all in one sitting, but divided over several meals.
Something like this:

at 16.00 hours : 1 fruit
at 16.30 hours : 1 fruit
at 17.00 hours : your cucumber, tomato, avocado salad
at 18.00 hours : 1 fruit
at 18.30 hours : 1 fruit
(mind the 1 hours interval after the salad)
dime wrote:it's better to eat the egg yolk and salmon the same day.
Or even in one meal; raw egg yolk over salmon is really delicious... :)
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Re: on diet help!

Post by DiF »

i tried to follow what the waistart says. So i try to split 10 meals over a day 250-270 kcal each and one fruit between them if i am hungry...
It's better make it in your way?
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Re: on diet help!

Post by RRM »

Actually, the WaiStart page is not for acne specifically.
Its more for people in general who want to do the Wai diet.
Maybe we should have pointed that out, indeed...
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Re: on diet help!

Post by DiF »

ok, I will rechange my plan:

what are the portions of the salad? "half cucumber, 1/3 tomato, 1/4 avocado, 1tbs olive oil" Is it fine or I should make it bigger?

with orange juice, how muck olive oil should I add?
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Re: on diet help!

Post by DiF »

for the egg yolk and solomon, after the salad or the fruits? and how much time?
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Re: on diet help!

Post by RRM »

DiF wrote: what are the portions of the salad? "half cucumber, 1/3 tomato, 1/4 avocado, 1tbs olive oil" Is it fine or I should make it bigger?
Its perfect this way; just enough for one hour.
with orange juice, how muck olive oil should I add?
If you drink just 1 glass of OJ in one sitting, its perfectly fine to add just a few drops of OO.
DiF wrote:for the egg yolk and solomon, after the salad or the fruits? and how much time?
Its best after a few sips of OJ.
If you then consume 100 grams of salmon covered with one egg yolk,
it will last for about 1 hour and 30 minutes.
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Re: on diet help!

Post by DiF »

I eat 4 egg yolks and 40-50gr of salmon. Is it fine?
I eat the 4 yolks in afternoon and the salmon at night, usually before going to bed
Is it ok half an hour after salad or fruit? and right after a sip of OJ

I will make bigger the salad because I feel hungry very soon after eating the one i described
Can I eat every 20 minutes between the fruits? Because I feel hungry.
I have to wait one hour after the salad before eating something else. Less is possible?

What about when I cant eat or drink anything. For example when I have class, it's 2 hours without break. And I think i cant make it without eating, taking in account that before these "2 hours of class" I eat a salad or a fruit
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Re: on diet help!

Post by overkees »

You should eat when hungry but always have at least 15 minutes in between to prevent sugar spikes. One orange contains about 20 g of sugar. I think you should at least have +40 to have an insulin spike.
So if you eat one fruit every 15 minutes, only when you don't feel energetic but hungry it s not a problem at all. Adding some more fat can help to control your hunger. Fat doesn't cause big insulin spikes.

But always wait 15 minutes to be on the safe side, Id say.

Are you really skinny? Because how less fat you have, how more sensitive to sugar you become. And so you get more insulin spikes that can cause acne. If you aren't really skinny then I shouldn't worry about it too much.

Are you still breaking out a lot? Or is it getting better and better?
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Re: on diet help!

Post by DiF »

Yes i still get white pimples around mouth and on the forehead.
My cysts seem to be better but i think just made their circle. The one gets better and the other gets worst!

I am on 22nd day. I said i will do this diet for a mounth just to be sure that does not work for me..I am really desperate and i don't know what can i do...
How should i get to normal diet?
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Re: on diet help!

Post by RRM »

DiF wrote:Yes i still get white pimples around mouth and on the forehead.
My cysts seem to be better but i think just made their circle. The one gets better and the other gets worst!
Actually, its both the same thing.
When the trapped sebum finally gets to reach the surface of the skin,
the cysts die away, and the white appears.
So, what you think is 'worse' (white pimples) is actually a very good sign.
I am really desperate and i don't know what can i do...
he he :) , you already are in the last stages of getting rid of your acne.
Now all the remaining trapped sebum/pus has to become white pimples,
and then its time for your skin to recover,
and let the scars fade away.
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Re: on diet help!

Post by DiF »

hi again,

I am on an alternated diet I stopped eating raw fish, egg, avocado and bananas. I know that i don't get enough protein, but its for now.I am on a detoxyting diet.
I have seen a lit of bit of imoprovement but nothing amazing...
I noticed that i lost a lot of weight...I used to be 63 Kg and now I am 57...
What I should do?

Another thing I dont combine fruits
I wait at least 2 hours.
My plan is like this
salad: 2 leafs of lettuce, 2 leaf of spinach, half tomato, half cucumber, a lit of bit of lemon, 3-4 tbs of olive oil

9:00 apple
9:20 apple
9:40 apple
10:00 small salad
10:30 small salad
11:30 orange
11:45 orange
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Re: on diet help!

Post by DiF »

and i am planning to add onions and carrots to the salad..It will be too big for one sitting?
what about honey? Can I add it to my diet plan?
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Re: on diet help!

Post by RRM »

DiF wrote: I am on an alternated diet I stopped eating raw fish, egg, avocado and bananas. I know that i don't get enough protein, but its for now.
Thats not good.
This can aggravate your acne.
Please go back to the strict acne sample diet.
You were almost there...
I am on a detoxyting diet.
There is no such thing.
Your body 'detoxes' 24/7.
Diet can not stimulate this.
The only thing you can do with diet, is increase or decrease your intake of toxins,
not the speed at which toxins in your body are removed.
I noticed that i lost a lot of weight...I used to be 63 Kg and now I am 57...
Thats not good...
What I should do?
Give your bodfy what it needs:
Sufficient protein and other nutrients (B12, omega fats, vitamin D, E, K etc.)
Please proceed with the acne sample diet,
and stick to ALL the rules.
salad: 2 leafs of lettuce, 2 leaf of spinach
Too many antinutrients, too little energy.
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Re: on diet help!

Post by DiF »

Is there any other way to get protein and the othe nutrients that you mentioνed than eating salmon and eggs? Because i believe that these two with bananas caused me acne...or at least reduce the intake of those 2 and eat something else too

what about carrots and onions in the salad?

honey, is it fine to eat it?
water kefir to make it by my self?
lastly, a bio market in my city, has Sea-buckthorn which is dried and looks like raisin. It's full of nutrients. (Ofcourse i have to ask how it is been dried) Is it fine to take it? I think works like supplement...
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