How to tell if you're allergic to a certain food?

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How to tell if you're allergic to a certain food?

Post by PepperPip »

Ok I am going to start this diet but frist I would like to know all the signs o an elergic reaction when you are eating a certain food.

I am really commited to doing this diet but I would hate to quit the diet because I ate something that made e break out leading to me thinking this diet was jest another this I have tried in my list of things I have tried and faild to get rid of my acne.

Like for example bannanas I love bannanas but for some reason when ever I eat them I seem to get kinda a hot flash in my face .
I was thinking that it was the iodine in it or something. :roll:
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Location: Cathedral City

Post by PepperPip »

O am in my subjest I ment to say if your allergic lol
I am a realy bad wrighter :oops:
Posts: 84
Joined: Wed 23 May 2007 00:27
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Post by Frost »

there are food intolerances and food allergies.

i have an intolerance to avocado that causes me to have abdominal cramps, fatigue, and my nose itch a bit.

you wont get acne from either though. hives may occur, but trust me you will know its an allergic reaction. just eat the foods on the diet, and if you can record what you eat meal for meal, day for day.
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