What to do if you overslept?

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What to do if you overslept?

Post by Kookaburra »

Every morning when I wake up at 8 I will eat a banana and then sip from a cup of OJ for the next 2 hours. But lets say if I overslept and woke up at 10, does that mean I have to eat 2 bananas and sip from 2 cups of OJ for the next 2 hours to make up for the 2 hours 'lost'?
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Post by RRM »

Just listen to your energy needs.
Yes, when you sleep, you need energy, so that the longer you dont eat, the more energy you need,
but how much you need also depends on how much filled your glycogen depots were,
and that is something you dont know.
So, just listen to your body.
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