sugar trouble?

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sugar trouble?

Post by speuzer »

A few weeks ago I started this diet, i was able to do it for about 2 weeks, and i did feel really good(i have no acne problems, i started for health reasons)

I was finishing school and moving, this ontop of other things kind of forced me to stop the diet temporarily. On starting again these past few days I have had a problem with what I think is my fat to sugar ratio. This problem was also kind of happening toward the end of the first 2 weeks I was on the diet.

I make orange juice in the morning and try to sip it over a 2-3 hour period, i usually make about 1/2 a liter, and add 2-4 tbsp of olive oil.

20-30 minutes after I start drinking, I feel like i am in a very irritative state, originating in my head, almost like i am comming down with a fever or something. It lasts for an hour or two, and I can feel myself come down from it, often sweeting. it is bad enough that afterward I fell like not continuing the diet.

I have read that this diet might effect adrenelin somehow with all the sugar, but was not sure if this could be it, I could image it is my adrenelin levels being effected, but I guess I really have no basis. Or possibily I am just taking in too much sugar/not enough oils. I am kind of desperate here and don't know what to change to make it work again.

another note, any other food (fruit{with a swig of oil}, nuts, salad) does not really effect me in this way.
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Post by RRM »

You simply need to take in lots of small meals, so that this does never spike your blood sugar level too much.
If the spike is still too high, you should still eat more frequent, and smaller meals.
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Post by avalon »

Hi speuzer,
another note, any other food (fruit{with a swig of oil}, nuts, salad) does not really effect me in this way.
What might happen if you just don't make the oj with oil???

It appears some do quite well with oj and oil. Maybe you don't because you're uniquely you. I have never had the interest nor do I have any desire to drink oj with oil. Not saying I never will, however.

Try leaving it out for a few days and see how you feel. Maybe try a smoothie, or a different juice...or as you wrote above, a bowl of fruit salad.

Best to you,

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