Dedicating myself to this diet; i crack after a few days

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Dedicating myself to this diet; i crack after a few days

Post by su-si »

Hello, I am new to the forum but I found this site about a month ago. I have been reading and trying to take it all in and now I really want to start this diet, I first found this diet when searching for connections between acne and diet, but after reading all the other affects of cooked food I am even more determined to stop eating cooked foods. I have attempted maybe three times in the last months to start but after a few days on the sample diet I crack and eat something cooked. The thing is, even after only a few days of totally raw, when I eat something cooked it dosnt do anything for me at all, I mean it in no way tastes good or is satisfying but after eating one cooked thing I just eat more and more even though it is almost disguesting to me! I am so sick of being addicted to these foods and I really want to stay on this diet and that is why I decided to write on this board, I figure that if I am accountable in some way (by making my efforts public) perhaps I can stick with it. I have decided I want to do this 100%, no munch food what-so ever becasue in fact it is impossible for me to eat only ONE of anything addictve, it is easier for me to have nothing at all. I m desperate to get to the point where I feel most of the people on this board are at, where you have integrated the Wai principles into your diet and it is normal and easy to eat this way. I will start to post my progress here, I start from here on, I feel so lucky just to have found this website, I always said that if I could just find a solution that I would do it, no matter what. So I will be dedicated because I have been given the information on a golden platter and the least i can do is the sample diet for 2 weeks. Thank you so much already for posting this information, I hope (and pray) that I will be succesful.
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Post by Oscar »

Welcome on the forum, and good luck! :)

I think all of us, who have gone from a 'normal' diet to the 100% Wai Diet, have experienced the power of addiction. You can go 'cold turkey' or gradually, which both have advantages and disadvantages, but in case of the latter option I think it's best to eat something without, or very little appetite enhancers.
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Post by nick »

To help out with the diet, you could list what you eat in the diet diary section and we could help you there with any questions you have.

Good Luck.
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Post by cland33 »

So i efficiently tried the diet for the second time and made it two about the 6th day and gave into the temptation of pizza and potato chips. Now today is the day after the failure and to be honest my face looks really clear and i just really dont want to quit and give up on this thing yet because i was getting results and weird enough as it sounds my hair and even my complexion were all improving only after about 6 days. The foods that i ate looked mostly like this.
2 large bowls of green and purple seedless grapes
3-4 bananas
3-4 red delicious apples
2 kiwi
bowl of pineapples
olive oil with o.j

p.s i read on an earlier post about the workout dillemas, i play basketball alot and am trying to hopefully one day play college basketball. I play about 3-4 hours of basketball about 4-5 times a week and usually after i play i go up to the weight room and do some leg exercises to help my leg strength to become faster and jump higher in basketball. I tend to run out of energy and cannot play as well or work out as long as i used to. NE ADVICE I usually eat 2 bananas and have a huge bowl of grapes and some oj before my workouts.
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Post by Oscar »

Unfortunately you're back on day 1 now. :(

It's best to make sure you've got enough energy all the time, so take small bites or sip OJ with olive oil during a training/workout.

Basically once you've fine tuned your diet, you'll always have (nearly) full glycogen depots. This means you'll have enough reserve energy for a while.

(I deleted the same post in the other threads)
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day 3

Post by cland33 »

So im on day 3 and so far im doing pretty well but i wasnt sure about the steps during this diet. So after day three there will be no new acne, and from day 3 on if i follow the guidelines correctly day 4 and the rest of the days i should start to see the acne dissapear correct? Also i wasnt sure about the whole blending issue. I wasnt sure whether or not i could blend bananas apples and oranges and the olive oil or not because i remember reading about how that can cause dirty protein or something, will i be fine if i do this and i also usually but havent yet blended frozen fruits in a blender and make a smoothie with some orange juice i made myself? Also i wasnt sure about week 2 when i read that in order to satisfy our cravings during week 2 we need to eat 2 munchie foods a day or something like that and i believe that it reccomended chocolate, now if this is correct what other options or munchie foods am i allowed to eat, wil i be allowed to eat wraps like once a day with very little roast beef or deli meats with lettuce tomato and ranch dressing. I was a lil confused when i read that in the book so i wasnt too sure about it.
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Post by Oscar »

Read here:

After two weeks there should be definite improvement in your acne. In some people this means it's gone, but most people take longer than that.
During the time you have acne, you should stay on the ASD and not eat any munch foods. Once you're free of acne, you can start experimenting. Blending fruit isn't so bad, but could cause acne if you're very sensitive.
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Post by RRM »

As long as your skin is not 100% clear yet, you cannot blend fruits, but once your skin is clear, you can start experimenting to what extend your skin can cope with the blending.
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Post by keyaziz »

I have found the avocado-cucumber-tomatato salad (i have with red onion and lettuce also) with lots of olive oil, VERY fact I could eat it all day forever.

I have never experienced such satsifaction food wise like that - it is simply awesome. You should try adding that maybe :)
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