Don't understand munch food

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Don't understand munch food

Post by dunsang »

Hi all,

I'm still not really getting this. Is munch food part of the acne sample diet? In other words, do I have to eat it?
If yes - you're telling me I should eat a bunch of chocolate and my skin will still improve. In that vein - can I eat raw cacao nibs? They are said to be seeds of the cacao fruit however...

Will munch food help me from losing weight?
And do grains work well as munch foods?

I know these are tons of questions, but I'm very curious about how to do this diet right. Thanks for your help!
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Post by Oscar »

Nope, munchfoods are not part of the Acne Sample Diet.

You should not eat anything which is not on the ASD for at least 2 weeks, but preferably until your skin has cleared up. You then have to decide whether you want to continue like that, or if you want to introduce munchfoods into your diet again.

In general most people are too heavy, because they have too much bodyfat and retain too much water. Naturally going from a general diet to the ASD (or the Wai diet for that matter) means you'll lose some weight. Munchfoods however will tend to make you eat more than you need, and as a result gain weight. This isn't necessarily a good thing though.

The less protein the munchfood contains, the better.
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Post by dunsang »

Thanks for the clarification Oscar. :D

I can't get my inshell brazil nuts for a few days...and I need fats to go with fruits - and can't get olive oil all the time. Do you think it would be better for now to go with 'raw' shelled brazils or with some actually raw ( I'm sure of it) hempseeds and other seeds?

Thank you again for taking so much time to help people.
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Post by Oscar »

You're welcome. :)

I'm not so sure about those hemp seeds, but those 'raw' nuts aren't good either, so it's kinda hard to tell. RRM might know more about hemp seeds, but I don't think they qualify as a nut or a fruit, so there must be something in them which makes them not good for us.

There are other options besides (extra virgin) olive oil, namely (extra virgin) coconut oil or (extra virgin) avocado oil. Avocado itself is very fatty. Also other (raw, unshelled) nuts, like walnuts or macademia nuts will do the trick.

I use a total of 70ml olive oil per day, no nuts, 3/4 avocado.
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Post by jfk »

Oscar wrote: I use a total of 70ml olive oil per day, no nuts, 3/4 avocado.
Do you mean 3 or 4 avocados or 3/4 as in 0.75 (which would be a uniquely particular amount)?
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Post by Oscar »

Hahaha! I actually meant 0.75 (you're right, it wasn't clear), as 0.5 seems too little, and 1 too much for me.
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Post by avalon »

So... you start with a whole Avocado, and you eat .75 of it. The next day of course you'll only have the quarter. Okay, so you cut the next Avocado open and slice it in half to get your .75. Leaving you with a half. Then the next day you cut a new .25 and add that to your remaining half. Then that leaves you with a complete portion of .75 next time around...

...then you're back to a whole Avocado. SWEET! :D
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Post by Oscar »

Exactly! Avalon, you've proven you've successfully completed elementary school! ;)
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Post by avalon »

Takes one to KNOW ONE!!!! :P
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