Bloating even with the Low Fiber version

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Bloating even with the Low Fiber version

Post by curemeplz »

I thought I should move here rather than writing in the beginner's Issues. First of all thanks for every1 for being such great help!

Well, as your advice I have shifted to a very low fiber diet which has slightly reduced the bloating but its very much a problem.

It is my 3rd day on the diet. My diet is as follows:
- 3 liters of filtered fresh orange juice (40 teaspoons sugar & 20 teaspoons olive oil)
- 3 raw yokes in the morning & 2 at night with nothing else besides sipping on OJ
- filtered juice of 2 tomatoes, 2 apples, and 2 cucumbers for nutrients
- 2 almonds, 1 walnut in the afternoon

The diet has not caused this problem, I've always had it. When i took no drugs my body used to purge itself of anything it didn't want which I thought was normal. Then I was very lean, ripped, nice very thick hair, oily skin, horrible acne, very strong sexual drive. Later when I started taking supplements (omega oils, probiotics etc) & homeopathy I've become more bloated and slightly constipated at times. The harder my stool the less acne I get however the bloating has made my hair and complexion look bad. My sexual drive has gone way down and I have to workout 10 times as hard to stay in shape.
When my body starts purging everything people say I look 16 and right now with the bloating I have bad hair texture and my skin is darker and oldish looking. Some people have thought i'm 35 (I am a 26 male). That was just some background history about me lol hope I didn't bore u!

So I was thinking how I can alter the diet to solve my bloating problem!
A few things that came to my mind are:
1) eat fish instead of the 5 yokes and see what happens
2) start drinking milk as Brahmaloka suggests
3) go on a low fiber diet eating everything and see how that goes

Some help would be greatly appreciated, thanks again!
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Re: Bloating even with the Low Fiber version

Post by RRM »

curemeplz wrote:I thought I should move here rather than writing in the beginner's Issues. ...
The diet has not caused this problem, I've always had it.
Ive moved your thread to this section as it is not a 'Wai-specific diet-dilemma', but a health(/-diet) dilemma.

It seems that your problem is very much hormone related (acne, sex drive, (no)water retention, muscle volume).
I never came across info that relates bloating and hormones, so this is new to me. To me it seems something very specific is going on. Maybe you can do some searching on PubMed to see whether there are studies connecting bloating and hormones?
I feel it would be very helpful to find more information about this very specific condition first.
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Post by curemeplz »

I believe its just a cause and effect. When I am bloated (like a pregnant woman!), I don't have any energy, I have to sleep 13 hours a day. My digestive system works overtime trying to digest things it can't. Thus the total health goes down. It is a fact the better (the less load on) the digestive system the better the skin, hair, sexual drive, muscle growth etc...

From all my experience, I can say that my acne is not hormonal, it is mostly due to digestive problems. I have been able to fix my acne for long periods of time using different methods of detoxification but never has my digestion been even close to good.
I just hope theres some1 who could help me out. Am so desperate! lol
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Post by curemeplz »

Well things are getting better! Maybe reducing as much fiber as I can is helping or there might have been some sort of problem with eating raw yokes (it's my first time). Though I have learnt so much from the posts, such as not keeping raw yokes out in the open etc... Thanks guyz!
With this diet there is so much you can do wrong so one must go through all the forums!
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Post by RRM »

Yes, egg yolks can indeed cause gasses too if you are not used to it.
If your acne is not hormonal, it indeed must be the impaired digestion by the bloating, which means that it is a very severe degree of disturbing... (if it has such great effects)

I hope you will continu to make improvements...
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Post by zenibee »

Hey Cureme,

You might want to consider a castor oil pack. Edgar Cayce reccommended them for just about every ailment including digestion issues. I actually came across a post on where a man wrote in about how his wife completely deflated her pot belly with a series of castor oil pack treatments. it out!

Health & Blessings

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