EHEC bacteria

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EHEC bacteria

Post by abicahsoul »

Hmm... I read about this. This seems to be worse than I thought. I am going to Berlin next week and will stay 6 days.. :?
I wonder what to eat.
I've read our authorities saying: don't eat cucumber, tomato, salad. Fine.
But as I understand it can also be in meat and egg. Hm. Usually I don't worry so much about germs, but this seems to give liver failure and kidney failure.. and those are some serious things. Even if you survive you damage vital organs.
What do you think? Have you some good source.
Is rinsing tomato/cucumber/apples etc with 'dish cleansing fluid' a good idea? Or is vinegar enough? :?
What should I eat for protein during these days? Only fish? :?
I guess one has to monitor if the stuff spreads within Germany, cuz right now I guess it is just some spanish cucumbers and 1200 people who's got sick and has spread the stuff.. :(
I am a bit concerned
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Re: EHEC bacteria

Post by dime »

I wouldn't worry that much, I actually live in this area in north Germany. And I'm still eating fish and eggs and fruits.
Obviously, avoid those tomatoes/cucumbers/etc. You can live for 6 days without meat/fish/egg if you're scared, nuts should work and be safer I guess. People have lived with no food at all for 40 days ;)
This bacteria outbreak is such a bad hit for the farmers, I feel for those people. And who knows if it's only the tomatoes/cucumbers..
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Re: EHEC bacteria

Post by abicahsoul »

Yeah... I know I can survive.. :D I think I will not perish in Berlin hahahaa :lol:
After some search I found it was the good old E. Coli with a new name..
Yeah, I just got a bit spooked.
Your good health and hope it doesn't spread further.
Btw, if you live in Germany, what kind of low mineral waters are there.. I am used to a norwegian brand and dunno so much on the continent..
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Re: EHEC bacteria

Post by Oscar »

It's just another bacteria... ;)
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Re: EHEC bacteria

Post by dime »

Yeah I'd guess the seriously ill people are probably very old or with very bad immune systems. It shouldn't be such a problem for healthy people, the media are probably exaggerating it all.
abicahsoul wrote:Btw, if you live in Germany, what kind of low mineral waters are there.. I am used to a norwegian brand and dunno so much on the continent..
Hm no clue to be honest, I'm drinking the tap water. I think in the normal markets all you'll find is mineral water which is same as the tap + some added minerals :) For proper mineral water you'd need to find a health shop or smth.
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Re: EHEC bacteria

Post by Oscar »

Berlin is a pretty cool it going to be business or pleasure?
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Re: EHEC bacteria

Post by abicahsoul »

Yea, I love Berlin. It is gonna be pure pleasure.. :)

HM; that EHEC bacteria is mutated and something ¨'new' and very poisonous.. sounds bad..:s

But I guess if one kind of washes the fruit and tomatoes/cucumber - AND peels them - it should be ok - I hope...

And for egg yolk - I mean if the shell is whole and egg is fresh - there can't be any coli bacteria INSIDE the yolk, I mean there is also a bag to protect it? I guess it should be ok.

I am a little spooked after all..
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Re: EHEC bacteria

Post by Oscar »

Enjoy your time, and post some nice pics :)
Well yeah, but bacteria mutate all the time. Mild diarrhea is also possible, apparently, so if your immune system is in reasonably good condition, chances are you won't notice anything.
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