Ultra low fibre diet for IBS?

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Ultra low fibre diet for IBS?

Post by Brahmaloka »

I am attempting to develope an ultra low fibre diet.

I have tried fruit juice, with raw fish and raw meat and nuts, oil and animal fats...

BUT I could not digest the fats as there is not enough fibre to release sufficient enzymes...

I removed all the fats and it then worked. I felt very well BUT I lost weight rapidly.

At present I have gone back on to dairy products as these stimulate enzyme release and I can digest fats.

Does anyone know how to digest fats without adding fibre to the diet?
(Fibre makes me very ill)

I will then be able to get rid of the dairy depression!
Brahmz :)
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Re: Ultra low fibre diet

Post by RRM »

Brahmaloka wrote:I could not digest the fats as there is not enough fibre to release sufficient enzymes...
You mean that your body has some kind of defect that prevents it from releasing the right enzymes?
I guess you know that you need bile acids to digest fats, and that they are made from good cholesterol? How is your bile production? (has it been tested?)
How does your body respond to egg yolks consumption?
Does anyone know how to digest fats without adding fibre to the diet?
Connective tissue may have the same effect as fiber with regards to the release of enzymes. You could try to only consume fats when you eat raw meat containing connective tissue (the white, indigestible part); all in one setting; the meat, the fish and the yolks, and maybe even some additional fat.
I would suggest to eat such a heavy meal only at night when you have plenty of time to rest (just as carnivores do after eating a big meal), and to only drink juices for the rest of the day.
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Bile acids

Post by Brahmaloka »

I have tried everything...

There is nothing wrong with my bile production as when I eat dairy everything works fine and I can digest fats.

BUT when I remove the dairy and try to eat a very low fiber diet I
cannot digest fats. They come through into the colon and cause diarrhoea.

I am not able to eat any fiber without causing severe digestive upset because of my IBS.

A dilemma?
Brahmz :)
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Post by RRM »

What fats are you talking about specifically?
The fats from egg yolks included?
You can do without added fats such as oil / butter.
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Low Fiber

Post by Brahmaloka »

My experimental diet of fruit juice, sugars and raw seafood has some fat in it.

I was eating one liter a day of juice at ~1% fat = 10g
and 100g a day of raw seafood at say 5% fat = 5g
Total 15g/day

In winter I was losing weight quickly on this diet.

I needed about 50g of fat a day to maintain weight. I tried to eat it. I used egg yolks, oil, butter, nuts, fish roe, oysters, chewable mutton and beef fats.

They all caused indigestion, diarrhoea, brain problems (coating the intestines with fat prevents absorbtion) with free fats in the stool. I was not releasing sufficient bile acids to make the fat soluble. I cannot eat fiber UNLESS anesthetic foods accompany it. Fiber makes my small intestine go very fast (my brain does not regulate it).

I switched back to dairy proteins and milk fats. Dairy protein releases bile efficiently without any fiber, and sedates the intestine (this is how a baby's digestion works!). I am maintaining 68kg easily. If I eat lots of cheese I can even put weight back on.
Brahmz :)
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Re: Low Fiber

Post by RRM »

Brahmaloka wrote:I needed about 50g of fat a day to maintain weight.
Maybe not necessarily. If you eat more frequent, more small sized meals, particularly juices without fiber, you can compensate for the fat, as its the energy that you need, not fats specifically.
I used egg yolks, oil, butter, nuts, fish roe, oysters, chewable mutton and beef fats.
Instead, try fish, particularly tuna, to the extend that your bowels can cope with it. Supplement with sufficient sieved juices in very small amounts (take sips alsmost constantly)
I cannot eat fiber
You dont have to.
Simply use a sieve for all juices.
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Low Fiber

Post by Brahmaloka »

Thanks RRM

I will try this experiment this winter (May onwards)

I am using a fish called trevally (Caranx lutescens)
It has excellent oily flesh and I am able to catch it myself.
Better than Tuna.

Also I am eating little clams (Austrovenus stuchburyi)

I will also use raw beef/mutton/lamb and lambs liver and anything else I can get hold of.

At present I am trialling a diet of raw organic yoghurt (homemade and 5% fat) seived juices, with raw fish and shellfish.
Brahmz :)
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