beneficial parasites

Cancer, Diabetes, Osteoporosis etc.
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beneficial parasites

Post by johndela1 »

I've been reading Aajonus Vonderplanitz's stuff. He says parasites go after bad cells. Is this possible? I know that maggots only eat dead tissue and if used as an example could justify Aajonus' claim. I'm just not sure if maggots are in the same league as viruses and bacteria.
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Post by Christina »

Aajonous believes that bacteria and parasites are a good thing. He even eats high meat which basically is rotten meat. I wouldn't be surprised if he ate a bunch of worms by themselves. :o Important to say that he's an amazing human being, venturing into unspoken fields.
It makes sense that worms eat the ill cells and therefore are beneficial but on the other hand american indian tribes used to commonly ingest herbs to rid themselves of parasites and even animals in the wild have been observed to ingest leaves of trees known to cleanse parasites.
There is this other guy who wrote a raw food book, Luis Estes, who states that when he opened 250 or so guts of deceased persons and found that only 10 or so had guts free of parasites, inflammation, maggots, plaque... :shock:
The 10 rosy, healthy persons where also the ones that looked healthier on the outside.
I've read that parasites can proliferate in organs like the liver and clog it up to the point of functional difficulties. Do you try to remove them?
Well, what comes first the chicken or the egg. Maybe you can ward off huge problems by removing them through herbs etc.. But obviously the only way to really make a change is to change the lifestyle.
Regarding Aajonous. Yes it seems that parasites help remove sick cells. But we should try to not have sick cells and a bunch of decaying waist, as not to need a ton of critters to help remove it. It's like a moist cellar. It develops mold, fungus and critters which I guess live off the crud which builds up. Why not clean it and open some windows to let the sun in and sort out the stuff that cluttering the place.
Just my opinion. :) Good point John. I've thought about this point a lot.
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Post by johndela1 »

If people get sick they normally get over it. I'm curious if there are things we don't get over. Like if I have worms in my organs, will my body get rid of them if I am in good health the same way it will fight off a cold or flu?
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Post by Christina »

Yes, I bet that when the parasites don't have morbid matter to live on, they leave. Or are forced to leave. But what if they have multiplied in your liver, like flukes and your liver cannot function right with it's pathways blocked, which means it is forced to stay in an inflamed stagnant state. Then you will have a cycle of neg. effects which might spiral into sth that's hard to reverse. I think the body can often recover and sometimes it's too far along and you need to do damage control. hopefully that doesn't mean organ removal or replacement. But there is a large number of gallbladder removals and also appendix removals and it seems that they can be traced back to organs being clogged with fats and waist, stagnating gunk, full of inflammation and parasites that then cause big problems. Of course the lifestyle caused the waist and toxins which attracted the worms etc.. But then nothing moved and it got inflamed and with the appendix, bursts which is life threatening.....
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Post by Oscar »

I seem to remember that scientists in the UK did some research on the connection between certain worms and allergy. I think the theory was that we lack certain worms we would have by nature (due to our increasing sterile food and personal hygiene).
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