Oil Cleansing Meathod (OCM)?

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Oil Cleansing Meathod (OCM)?

Post by thefourth »

From reading other posts it looks like many of you wash your face with only water. I'm wondering what you all think about doing the OCM (good? bad?)... and if it is advised, what oil(s) do you suggest? My face has been very oily (but dry...) and getting acne lately (never was before-probably hormones) I'm sure salylic acid is out even if its from a company like Burt's Bees right?

I have pretty dry skin normally, especially during winter. I've read that several people here use coconut oil to moisturize, so I think I will start doing this. How often should I apply coconut oil though and roughly how much is needed to cover x-ammount of skin?

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Re: Oil Cleansing Meathod (OCM)?

Post by RRM »

thefourth wrote:My face has been very oily (but dry...) and getting acne lately
Are you on the 100% strict diet?
I'm sure salylic acid is out even if its from a company like Burt's Bees right?
How often should I apply coconut oil though and roughly how much is needed to cover x-ammount of skin?
you just need to keep paying attention to it;
Put on some oil and do whatever you need to do
take a look at it occasionally
and when it gets a little dry, you need to put on some extra oil
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Re: Oil Cleansing Meathod (OCM)?

Post by thefourth »

RRM wrote:Are you on the 100% strict diet?
My skin has always been somewhat dry but started being very oily and somewhat acne prone on my face slowly over the summer. I just recently found out about this diet and forum, and am not very strict yet. I'm still building up to the eggs before I go completely strict.. at 1 yolk right now. :) Do many people find their skin less dry when on this diet? I noticed after even just not using soap in the shower today that my skin seems less dry. :)
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Re: Oil Cleansing Meathod (OCM)?

Post by RRM »

thefourth wrote:Do many people find their skin less dry when on this diet?
Yes, certainly.
The reason is that because of this diet, your true skin (the skin layer below the top layer)
will hold less water-retaining substances, which results in that the true skin distracts less water
from the outer skin (and from the organs below).
Thats why your skin will feel much smoother and softer on this diet.
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