No, im sorry, the combination of meat and yolks is good enough.
It's quite alright, all help is appreciated.
What I'd like to know is, why some people have these blue-ish bags (like I do) and some don't. Does that simply have to do with the thickness of the skin?
Bluish seems generally to be caused by a lack of sleep (but not in your case, i guess)
And there seem to be over 100 conditions that may cause dark circles under the eyes,
with distinct effects, probably... ... causes.htm
I used to have dark, purplish shiny circles under my eyes, but that's been reduced since being on the diet. I didn't really think about it until now. I guess I still do have them although not as severe. I went to that link you made RRM, but I didn't find anything about purple/blue, just 100 possible causes of dark circles.
If it is a lack of blood circulation, what could be the cause of that?
Poor blood circulation may be caused by stress, hormone imbalance,
or narrowed veins due to the precipitation of salts, bad fats, proteins etc.
Most likely you just inherited it from your parents.