? on sagging skin

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? on sagging skin

Post by twinee1 »

I am a newbie here, but not new to the Raw Diet. I am interested in this diet as I after years of "trying" to tighten some sagging skin above my knees with no success. I read about the diet and cellulite and Wai touched on the sagging (lack of tone) skin, but did not go into depth as to if the diet can correct this as well as cellulite. Is there hope that this diet will help what I viewed as aging skin ? I now see that maybe it is a product of 15 years on the high protein (no fruit) bodybuilder type diet !

I started the wai diet today and managed a raw yolk in some avo..(I am not a fan of raw egg yolk..) I am allergic to all fish so I must do the yolks right ?

Thanks !
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Post by Oscar »

Welcome to the forum. :)

The diet will tighten the skin, but only up to the point what is maximally possible, depending on the condition of the skin. It will also considerably slow down the aging process of the skin.

Are you sure you're allergic to fish, and if so, how do you know exactly?

You can do the diet with egg yolks alone.
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Post by twinee1 »

Thanks Oscar, my skin is not overly saggy but enough to bother the Vain me ! SO I will stick 100% to this diet and see how it goes !

Yes I am allergic to fish. I was a HUGE fan of sashimi and Fish, sushi for years. Ate it almost daily. 4 years ago I got a bad case of Scrombroid Poisoning. I ended up in the Emergency room for an Epi Injection. And a 911 call once after eating Shrimp. After that every time I ate a fish or shellfish I would get a flat red rash and itchy ears and face. I thought it "mental" but a few times I had it happen when I did not have fish but I was in Restaurant, unaware of the food prep.
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Post by Oscar »

Well, keep away from fish for now.

I've read a little about scrombroid poisoning, and apparently it's not an allergic reaction, but due to a reaction to bacteria in spoiled (or not fresh enough) fish. Your immune system will get a significant boost on this diet, so maybe after some months on the diet you could experiment with fresh fish which hasn't been frozen, and see how you react to that.

In the mean time, egg yolks it is. ;)
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Post by twinee1 »

That would be great if after awhile I could eat sashimi..yum !

Yes Scrombroid Poison is from Fish (usually tuna, shark..) The Fish is Usually left out to the room temp to long or mishandled along the path to the table and the Histimines in the Fish build to unsafe levels, thus the intense rash and redness of the skin (the whites of my eyes turned RED too !)
It does not matter if you eat is raw or cooked, once the chain reaction starts it cannot be stopped and worse yet it will taste and smell fine at this point.
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Post by Oscar »

The only difference in that sense, between eating the fish raw or cooked, is that cooked fish can be older (ie less fresh) than (non-frozen) sashimi. If fresh fish gets too old, it will smell 'fishy', but when it's prepared with herbs and/or spices it will smell and taste fine.

Don't hesitate to ask any questions if you have them.
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