Skin and Salmon

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Skin and Salmon

Post by slea »

Does any one else notice when they regularly consume Salmon that their skin looks better? I was craving it really bad the other day so I went to the fish market and bought half a pound and divided it up for two days. After I consumed that, I went and ate sashimi two more days in a row. I hadn't had it in a few weeks, but I noticed two days later after the first day of eating Salmon again, my skin looked soooo much better. I have roseacea and the inflamation was almost completely gone and my fine lines were almost invisible. It made my skin more youthful looking also. My question is, is it the omega 3's or the protein in the Salmon making my skin look better? I haven't had any in two days and my skin is already looking rough again. Does any one have any ideas? Does this mean I have more of a need to eat fish? Btw, I eat two egg yolks a day when I don't have Salmon, and I don't get the same results.
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Post by Oscar »

I'm not sure, but I don't think it's specifically the salmon. I eat it almost every day, so I can't really tell. Two yolks don't seem to be enough though, you might want to increase that to 3 or 4. Do you get enough olive oil?
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Post by RRM »

indeed, 2 yolks isnt really enough, and yes, the omega3 fats are beneficial.
Its best to have both; some days you eat about 5 yolks or more, while at other days you eat salmon.
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Post by huntress »

Hello Slea :D

Yes, I am on the same boat as you! I've only started eating Salmon about a week ago after being on this diet for a year. Before, I consumed only 2 egg yolks everyday. But as of last week, I added raw Salmon into my diet and I noticed that my skin is much smoother and clearer! :o
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