Haleine/ breath

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Haleine/ breath

Post by Nina75 »

Hello, here I sometimes really bad breath and I wonder if there is a solution to that is especially well on the evening when I can not brush my teeth or eating a green apple because sometimes when j 'have bad breath I eat a Granny Smith and I feel better or to brush my teeth, but if you are outside and can not eat a fruit or brushing teeth can be done? Is it allowed to chew gum Chewin a short time just to feel better or a candy mint without swallowing course?

Bonjour, voila parfois j'ai vraiment une mauvaise haleine et j'aimerais savoir si il y a une solution à ça, c'est surtout le soir quand bien sur je ne peux pas me brosser les dents ou manger une pomme verte car parfois lorsque j'ai une mauvaise haleine je mange une granny smith et ça va mieux ou bien sur je me brosse les dents mais si on est dehors et qu'on peut pas manger un fruits ni se brosser les dents que peut on faire ? Est-il autoriser de mâcher un chewin-gum pas longtemps juste pour sentir mieux ou un bonbon à la mente sans l'avaler bien sur ?
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Re: Haleine/ breath

Post by abicahsoul »

First I'd recommend brushing your tongue whenever you brush your teeth. It will help during the day.. and also during the night. You can also do it in the middle of the day, just go to the ladies.. brush your tongue, and swish water around in your mouth. :D

Second, use tooth picks, or in-between brushes for in betweeen the teeth. It also helps a lot I find. DO it once or twice a day when brushing your teeth.

Third, I think chewing some non_wai stuff is really helpful against bad breath: fresh piece of ginger, or some cardamom seeds, or some cloves. Chew and spit. I can eat a piece of ginger, doesn't affect my acne as far as I can tell.. But not sure how it works for you, therefore, just spit it out after chewing. :D

Also just swishing salt water around and gargeling, and spitting... is also a good idea against bad breath.

That's what I can contribute. 8-)

Good luck!
Posts: 170
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Re: Haleine/ breath

Post by Nina75 »

OK merci beaucoup Abicahsoul

Thank you
Posts: 230
Joined: Sun 19 Dec 2010 16:35

Re: Haleine/ breath

Post by abicahsoul »

Or actually get a tongue scrape, it is a plastic thing that you can scrape your tongue with, more effective than the brush and you also reach better.. I guess it can be found in any farmacy or shop with a lot of dental stuff.. ;)
Posts: 170
Joined: Sat 25 Jun 2011 20:07

Re: Haleine/ breath

Post by Nina75 »

Ok encore une fois merci, je vais essayer de trouver un gratte langue, merci Abicahsoul

Ok thank you again, I'll try to find a tongue scraper, thank you Abicahsoul
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