Acne and bathing in the sea?

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Acne and bathing in the sea?

Post by fictor »

Ok, I wonder if bathing in the ocean (salt water) will have any negative effects regarding acne?

My acne usually gets better in the summer, but the Wai book says to
wash your face only with low mineral water, so I am at loss.

I am thinking, salt attracts water, so having salt on your skin should
'pull' retained water from the skin, no?
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Post by RRM »

Salt water accelerates shedding of the skin, and sun exposure has the same effect. So, it has the same effect as many anti-acne agents, but it does not address the cause of acne, as the water is not drained away from the layer below the outer skin.
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Post by fictor »

OK, so swimming in the sea does not 'cure' acne, that is for sure.

But, if I want to swim in the sea, not to fight acne, but for recreation and
workout, would it make my acne worse?
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Post by RRM »

Per saldo it will not make your acne worse, probably, because it accelerates shedding of the skin, so that the increased production of sebum and the increased shedding have opposing effects. Incidentally it may cause some acne though.
Taking a shower afterwards will decrease the exposure to the salt a bit, which is better for your skin.
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Post by fictor »

Thanks RRM, that was what I wanted to hear :)
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Post by Kookaburra »

Since salt accelerates the shedding of the skin, does that mean I should wear a glove when handling baking soda?
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Post by RRM »

Baking soda is extremely dehydrating,
so yes, you should definitely wear gloves.
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