Initial pain not where the eventual pimple is formed?

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Initial pain not where the eventual pimple is formed?

Post by CSIV »

Ok, I have a question... Why is it that when you have a pimple that's relatively new/just starting to form you have a pain that is not where the pimple is forming, but a litte to the (left, right, up, down, etc)? Just curious if anyone knows lol Or maybe I'm the only person who has experienced this and am very weird as such... :wink:
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Re: Pain away from pimple?

Post by RRM »

Not all sebum canals go straight to the surface of the skin.
The pain will be where the inflammation is, which is at the bottom end of the sebum canal.
What you will see as the core of the pimple will be where the sebum canal surfaces,
which may be somewhere to the left/right/up/down...
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Re: Initial pain not where the eventual pimple is formed?

Post by CSIV »

Interesting, thanks!
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