Speed of the sebum/oil reaching the surface

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Speed of the sebum/oil reaching the surface

Post by Squash »

I know, I'm adding a lot of threads today, but whatever; it's another discussion point.

I've been thinking. Since oil and sebum are secreted as a reaction to dehydrated skin (weather/airco/hot shower/cleansing), once a 'dry skin' signal is given, the sebum/oil glands excrete sebum and/or oil (you've said sebum and the shiny oil on your face are not the same, but the following made me doubt this a little:

''The purpose of sebum, a hydrophilic fat, is to mix with water from the atmosphere and secretions from the sudoriferous glands and form the hydro-lipid film, which ensures cohesion and flexibility of the horny layer. The constituents of this film, and its slightly acid pH, create an ideal surface ecology that is vital for skin health and beauty.''

taken from http://www.skin-beauty.com/dehydratedskin.html).

BUT because the sebum canals/hair shaft is/are pinched off due to the water pressure in the true skin, this sebum/oil takes much longer to reach the surface of the skin, protecting against dehydration. The skin will keep sending signals to excrete more oil/sebum as it is still dehydrated. At the time the sebum/oil reaches the surface of the skin, a lot more than was needed will already have been produced! This causes the shiny complexion and the acne to form.

What can you say about this theory RRM and others? I've not seen it before but it may just be another trigger for shiny/acne skin.
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Re: Speed of the sebum/oil reaching the surface

Post by RRM »

Squash wrote:you've said sebum and the shiny oil on your face are not the same
No, i said: sebum and oil are not the same.
The shiny oil on your face may be the end result of sebum on your face getting smeared out.
Im saying that the skin does not produce just one product of the same consistency.
Im saying that its capable of producing both oil and more solid sebum.
Because the width and length of sebum canals varies greatly (also conditional), requiring different 'responses'.
the following made me doubt this a little:
]''The purpose of sebum ... form the hydro-lipid film

Naturally, smeared out sebum forms a film.
How else can it get spread out and protect the skin surface?

...it may just be another trigger for shiny/acne skin.

What is "it"?
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