Any positive/negative significance to the yolk baggie?

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Any positive/negative significance to the yolk baggie?

Post by AnnGrazjun »

Hi, is there any significance of consuming the bag containing the yolk? Is it of harm to the body as far as acne is concerned? It's so much simpler to crack the shell, pour out the egg white, and consume the yolk with the bag. :lol:
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Post by Oscar »

Other than the taste or texture there aren't any problems with eating the bag.
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Re: Any positive/negative significance the the yolk baggie?

Post by WaiWay »

Does this mean it's alright/safe to consume the white strings that are usually attached to it, Oscar?
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Re: Any positive/negative significance to the yolk baggie?

Post by RRM »

Im guessing it contains anti-nutrients, such as avidine and ovomucoid,
so preferrably not.
Also, it may cause you to dislike consuming egg (yolk).
So, better not.
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