Protein shakes and bad food without breaking out?

Spots, zits, pimples, cysts, etc.
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Protein shakes and bad food without breaking out?

Post by falcon »

This post was accidentally deleted, but Falcon was asking how it is possible that some people can eat lots of bad foods and drink protein shakes without breaking out at all.
How can acne still not be genetically determined?
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Post by Oscar »

Well, of course there is information contained in genes, but it means you can be free from acne no matter what it 'says' in your genes. There are several options to consider:
- your friends are less predisposed for acne
- they have had 'better' food conditions in previous years
- they eat (in total) less acne provoking food

Bottom line is, that there are personal differences, whatever causes them.
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Post by RRM »

Acne is caused by the combination of 2 factors, and if one of these is absent, you will not have acne.:
- high sebum production
- retaining too much water in the skin

The former is greatly under the influence of hormones and is also individually very different.
The latter is particularly influenced by food and hormones.

So, if your skin produces little sebum, you can eat anything without breaking out.
Acne is therefore not genetically determined, but your sebum production to some extend is.
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