How Much Should i eat.

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How Much Should i eat.

Post by Louie »

Well, im back again. I broke my diet today peer pressure+ BK Double stacker.. Well im starting again, But i was hoping some one should tell me how much of each of these Foods i should eat each day In order to gain the most beneficial effects from the diet. Well i joined the cross country team from my school so ill be running 3 miles per day. and im 5"10 and 125 lbs

So if i eat cucumbers, tomatos, avocados, bananas, and strawberries and eggs and olive oil how much should i eat to benefit from the diet..

Im very bad with the nutrition calculator thats why im asking. So can you respond with something like (example 1/4 of a cumber or 1/2 or 1 full cucumber, and like 5 strawberries). I know absolutely nothing about nutrition so thats what im asking how much of each i should eat per day.. If im lacking some other fruit to gain additional nutritions. Also please respond how much olive oil in tablespoons. So 1 Tablespoons or 1/2 a tablespoon. soo ill be looking forward to your help. Thanks for the diet! Just hoping to perfect it ^^
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Post by RRM »

Nobody, except your own body, can tell you how much to eat.
You need to eat according to your need for energy. Your body will tell you when it needs energy; when you feel less energetic. With this diet you cannot eat just a few meals a day; depending on the size of your meal, you need to eat at least twice an hour. And when you start to feel tired, sleepy or just less energetic, you need to eat again.
So, its about getting to know your body; about learning to listen to it.
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Post by Oscar »

RRM wrote:... you need to eat at least twice an hour.
Erm, shouldn't this be: "at least once every two hours"?
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Post by RRM »

Yes (if you are not physically active)
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