Hot flashes

Spots, zits, pimples, cysts, etc.
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Hot flashes

Post by PepperPip »

Ok I basicly have know more acne any more thanks to diet ,the only problem is I still have red spots that will not heal.They kinda started to get better and less noticeable but now I am getting hot fashes like crazy and I am guessing that those are making it worse again.its there any suggestions for cooling hot flashes or preventing them?
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Post by Biev »

Do you mean your whole body gets hot, or your face where you normally get acne?
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Re: Hot flashes

Post by RRM »

PepperPip wrote:only problem is I still have red spots that will not heal.
They will, they just take some time to heal.
Please be patient and remember that time is on your side.
I am getting hot fashes like crazy and I am guessing that those are making it worse again
No, they dont. They just make them seem more visible (more red) when you have such hot flashes.
any suggestions for cooling hot flashes or preventing them?
No idea. Any idea what causes them in you? Stress?
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