After 6 months on Wai

Spots, zits, pimples, cysts, etc.
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After 6 months on Wai

Post by hfaruk10 »

I've made a post on another topic, so since there were no responses I decided to do it again:

Ok, just to summarize,

I 've been on strict sample Wai diet for exactly 6 months. In that period I have been eating variety of fruits, sometimes i'd make OJ with OO, and before going to bed I'd take 7 egg yolks.

After 6 months on the diet I can say it definitely works. For someone the whole process of curing the acne can take up to more than 6 months. I am satisfied with the results. Although my face is 80% cleaner than it used to be (Before the diet), I think I should be getting new pimples every day. It's just devastating to see a new one when u look yourself in a mirror. So my question for u would be : Is it possible to reduce the number of yolks to maybe 5? (is it possible that the 7 yolks or too much protein is the cause of new pimples)
I'm telling this because I feel that the previous 6 months were a big sacrifice.
And I don't want to quit now, after this much.

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Post by Oscar »

It should be fine to reduce your egg yolk intake to 5. You have to experiment with the amount of protein your body needs, and how much your skin can handle. This fine tuning process is slow and thus can take a while.

I deleted your other post, so all comments will go in this thread.
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Re: After 6 months on Wai

Post by RRM »

Hi Jake,

How tall are you?
How active are you, physically, during the day, usually?
Can you give us a list of what you eat?
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