Increasing protein intake?

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Increasing protein intake?

Post by WaiWay »


I'm familiar with the sample diet rules, but there seems to be fluctuations in the freeacnebook, so I thought it best to ask here: Is it alright if I consume more than 100g sashimi/5 egg yolks a day? I'm a 6'2 male, 16 years old, and I'm going to start to work out everyday (rotating between weights and cardio). At first, my body didn't seem to react to much, but I feel the need to eat more egg yolks/sashimi. I don't particularly like the taste, so I'm assuming my body needs something from it (b12/protein).

What do you guys think?
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Re: Increasing protein intake?

Post by RRM »

Did you manage to totally clear your skin from acne?
If so, the first thing you should experiment with, is increasing your raw protein intake.
If not, first clear your skin, and then start experimenting with increasing your protein intake.
In the latter case, you should take it easy with any exercise regimen,
as that will increase your protein requirements.
Did you lose a lot of weight?
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