Communication and Wai Diet

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Posts: 130
Joined: Sun 30 Oct 2005 00:01

Communication and Wai Diet

Post by Thomas »

One overlooked aspect of this diet is its ability to greatly improve communication skills.

My conversations and relationships with friends are so much smoother now.
I am able to concentrate on, and react to others much more easily.

I urge anyone to give this a try.
Posts: 143
Joined: Thu 24 Nov 2005 01:01
Location: not the U.S.A.

Post by rischott »

I also feel the same as you. I find myself able to control my thoughts and articulate valid, as well as sound, arguments faster and clearer than Pre-Wai. I don't have the anxiety or forgetfullness or shame blinding my mental vision. Everyday i feel mentally stronger and more focused.
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