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Re: Iodide

Post by RRM »

Kasper wrote:Urinary iodine reflects dietary iodine intake directly because people excrete more than 90% of dietary iodine in the urine [4].
Yes, so that one can estimate dietary iodine intake by measuring urinary iodine.
If you consume around 150 mcg the body excretes over 90% of dietary iodine.
It is thought that if you consume less (around 50 mcg for example) the body lowers excretion rate.
Yes, if dietary intake is low, the body will not only maximize the absorption rate,
but also lower the excretion rate.
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Re: Iodide

Post by Aytundra »

I've been doing some number crunching.
It does not make sense to me why some people have headaches and dizziness, and crave salt.
Some salt craving people have low iodide. I've crunched their numbers. So I suspect it is not sugar.

Iodide does affect brain, not only thyroid.
Iodine supplementation improves cognition in iodine-deficient schoolchildren in Albania: a randomized, controlled, double-blind study1,2,3,4

Ideas to fill up on iodide RDA.
1) Fish head, eat the thyroid glands of the fish. (can it be eaten raw?) ... stock-pot/
2) 1/2 teaspoon of salt. ... ine-intake
3) Eat seaweed viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2779
4) Salmon 400g (I crunched the numbers of RRM's salmon intake and it meets RDA iodide, used simple Wai Calculator)
5) Oyster 160ug/100g meets most RDA (becareful on zinc, can it be eaten raw?) ... 6duZrEavwh
6) Shellfish (but is it Wai and what parts of a shellfish would you eat raw? and how much iodide in each parts?)
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Re: Iodide

Post by RRM »

Aytundra wrote:It does not make sense to me why some people have headaches and dizziness, and crave salt.
It does.
A lack of sugar is the most likely cause.
Consuming too little energy is mistake #1 on this diet, by beginners.
Salt cravings are normal going from a normal (high salt) intake to a low salt diet.

The key is iodide absorption and excretion rates.
When we consume much iodide, close to the RDA, the body tries to get rid of almost all.
That is not a mistake. That is because it is too much.
And when you consume substantially less iodide, the excretion rate goes down substantially.
Our body just keeps what it needs.
Therefore, Iodide deficiency is very unlikely on this diet.
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