"fat inhibits insulin from performing"

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"fat inhibits insulin from performing"

Post by mario91 »

Dubious low-fat raw diet i came upon...


“When fat levels in the blood rise, so does blood sugar, because
excess fat inhibits insulin from performing its function
of escorting sugar out of the bloodstream. The excess fat lines
the blood vessel walls, the cells, insulin receptor sites, the
sugar molecules themselves, and the insulin with a thin
coating of fat, thus blocking and inhibiting normal metabolic
Too much sugar in the blood is as life threatening as too little
and can result in serious illness or death. Yeast, or candida, is a
constant presence in the blood; it serves as a life preservation
mechanism, blooming when there is an excess of sugar in the
blood stream to bring blood sugar down to a non-threatening
level. When the sugar is distributed and used by the cells of
the body, the yeast quickly dies off as it is supposed to.
If fat levels stay chronically high due to a poor diet, sugar will
remain in the bloodstream and feed the large candida colonies
instead of feeding the 18 trillion cells of your body. Starved
for fuel, these cells can no longer metabolize energy, and you
become tired, and feel rundown. Because all carbohydrate,
fat, and protein that we eat is converted to simple sugar
(glucose) if it is to be used by the cells for fuel, the way out
of this cycle is not to eat less sugar, but to consume less fat.
When fat levels drop, the sugar starts to get processed and
distributed again, and the yeast levels drop because there is
no longer excess sugar available.”

Does this make any sense?
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Re: Dubious low-fat raw diet I came upon...

Post by dime »

Not really, without any references..
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Re: Dubious low-fat raw diet I came upon...

Post by DavidBlack »

Doesn't sound very reputable to me.
As mentioned; without references, there's no reason to believe it.
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Re: Dubious low-fat raw diet I came upon...

Post by overkees »

Everything that contains the word detox should be sent straight to the trash bin.

You can't detox, with everything you eat there are antinutrients. Even in the air that you breathe. The only thing you can do is optimalise the nutrient/antinutrient ratio. And I still see no reason to doubt the wai diet as being the ultimate diet when it comes to that ratio.

LOL, drinking green lawnmower smoothies to "cleanse" your body, ha! Yeah slurp those beta-carbolines, they are damn f*in' healthy! =)
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Re: Dubious low-fat raw diet I came upon...

Post by mario91 »

Totally agree with you guys.
But the part I really wanted someone to comment or "demystify" is the part I quoted.
"fat inhibits insulin from performing its function of escorting sugar out of the bloodstream"
"If fat levels stay chronically high due to a poor diet, sugar will remain in the bloodstream and feed the large candida colonies instead of feeding the 18 trillion cells of your body. Starved for fuel, these cells can no longer metabolize energy, and you become tired, and feel rundown"
Does this stuff make any sense?
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Re: Dubious low-fat raw diet I came upon...

Post by RRM »

mario91 wrote: "fat inhibits insulin from performing its function of escorting sugar out of the bloodstream"
If you consume too much energy, this leads to obesity, and may interfere with normal insulin functioning, indeed.
But if you do NOT consume too much energy, there is nothing wrong with a high fat diet.
Fat is actually subject to the insulin system, meaning that the insulin system can properly manage dietary fat.

Moreover, in mice that are extremely susceptible to diabetes,
a high-fat (too-much-energy) diet leads to obesity, but results in relatively lower blood sugar levels.
Ishii Y et al
"If fat levels stay chronically high due to a poor diet, sugar will remain in the bloodstream and feed the large candida colonies instead of feeding the 18 trillion cells of your body. Starved for fuel, these cells can no longer metabolize energy, and you become tired, and feel rundown"
Fat levels may stay high on a too-much-energy diet, but dont stay high on an adequate high fat diet.
The "these cells can no longer metabolize energy" part is obviously ridiculous.
Cells that cannot metabolize energy are dead cells.
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Re: "fat inhibits insulin from performing"

Post by mario91 »

Thanks once more for the explanation RRM!
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