What is cancer?

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Re: "Detox curing cancer..."

Post by gianni »

gianni wrote:I will have to actually research that, but for now I am going to jump to the conclusion that lung cancer is most often caused by the combination, but can be caused also in someone who doesn't smoke by microbes. Predisposition to it might be caused by a different dirt such as inhaled pesticides or dirt left over from undigested foods. I guess what I am saying is that the microbes seem to always be present. Cigarettes contain heavy metals and other toxic chemicals which poison the sensitive lung tissue making it a breeding spot for microbes.
Actually I would like to add that this information from Alan Cantwell is what I am thinking is most appropriate for the reason for cancer, but I am not saying that it is fact. I have seen a lot of ways of thinking about things come and go.
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Re: "Detox curing cancer..."

Post by gianni »

I should have linked this video of Alan Cantwell, it's more appropriate to the subject.

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Re: "Detox curing cancer..."

Post by RRM »

gianni wrote:lung cancer is most often caused by the combination, but can be caused also in someone who doesn't smoke by microbes.
So, in your view, microbes are the key factor?

In general, cancer is regarded as human cells gone astray.
They grow faster than they should because they produce more growth factors, or less growth inhibitors, or both.
This is caused by a specific damage in their DNA.
Usually, when cell DNA gets damaged, and the cell goes astray, its no big deal because that cell simply gets eliminated,
because usually that specific piece of DNA involved in the production of growth factors / inhibitors is not affected.
The chance of getting that specific piece of DNA damaged, is extremely small.
But since we ingest toxins on a daily basis, it may happen some time.
Its like playing the lottery big time, on a daily basis.
One day you may 'win' this bad lottery.

Based on this concept of what cancer is, anything that may cause cell DNA damage,
may potentially cause cancer.
That way, smoking cigarettes may cause cancer, without the need for 'help' from microbes.

In your view, what is the flaw in this reasoning?
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Re: "Detox curing cancer..."

Post by panacea »

From what I have read, the best treatment for cancer (almost all types) is rectal insufflation of ozone (carefully). Cancer cells lack the antioxidants that normal cells have, and since ozone (through the rectum, since it's harmful to the lungs if it's too concentrated) can enter the bloodstream through diffusion just like oxygen and carbon dioxide, then once the ozone reacts with the cancer cells cell membrane, then it creates a hydrogen peroxides which enter the cell. Since cancerous cells can't deal with peroxides (can't break them down into oxygen and water) they rupture. When they rupture however, more singlet oxygen is produced which is highly reactive (and already close to other cancerous cells if the first one ruptured and was part of a tumor) so this new singlet oxygen is highly reactive, binds to the nearby cancerous cell membranes again and the process is repeated, and so it's a chain reaction, killing a bunch of cancerous cells (if not all, especially with repeated use).

You can also use ear insufflation of ozone, for brain cancers. There are dangers, such as too much ozone concentration, or the formation of impure compounds with bad ozone machines which will burn your tissues.. but if done right, it's the safest and most effective cancer treatment. Sometimes though, such as with breast cancer, it's best to use ozone injections, since rectal and ear insufflation doesn't reach the breasts very good.
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Re: "Detox curing cancer..."

Post by RRM »

panacea wrote:Cancer cells lack the antioxidants that normal cells have
Yes, some do, but why do you think that this is true for all cancer cells?
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Re: "Detox curing cancer..."

Post by panacea »

I've never been given a reason to believe otherwise, what cancer cells have the antioxidant enzymes known as catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD)? These are the enzymes that help to break down peroxides to protect healthy cells from oxidative damage by peroxides. NK (Natural Killer) cells use this very technique to kill cancer cells (they inject hydrogen peroxide), the problem is the immune system cannot always identify cancer cells because they have a way of shielding their detection, thus ozone is needed as a way to inject peroxides into all cells, not harming the healthy ones and killing the cancerous ones.

It's true some cancer cells don't completely lack these antioxidants but they are so deficient that they still burst when presented with hydrogen peroxide so what does it matter to get so technical
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Re: What is cancer?

Post by gianni »

RRM wrote:
gianni wrote:lung cancer is most often caused by the combination, but can be caused also in someone who doesn't smoke by microbes.
So, in your view, microbes are the key factor?

In general, cancer is regarded as human cells gone astray.
They grow faster than they should because they produce more growth factors, or less growth inhibitors, or both.
This is caused by a specific damage in their DNA.
Usually, when cell DNA gets damaged, and the cell goes astray, its no big deal because that cell simply gets eliminated,
because usually that specific piece of DNA involved in the production of growth factors / inhibitors is not affected.
The chance of getting that specific piece of DNA damaged, is extremely small.
But since we ingest toxins on a daily basis, it may happen some time.
Its like playing the lottery big time, on a daily basis.
One day you may 'win' this bad lottery.

Based on this concept of what cancer is, anything that may cause cell DNA damage,
may potentially cause cancer.
That way, smoking cigarettes may cause cancer, without the need for 'help' from microbes.

In your view, what is the flaw in this reasoning?
I don't really know if there is a flaw in that reasoning. I would have to research the problem from that end, and I don't know if I am intelligent enough or have enough time. But there is a product called Miracle Mineral Supplement that heals cancer. It does so by killing the microbes inside the cells. It heals a lot of other diseases, too, which have been reportly caused by some sort of pathogen. So if I take it in reverse, if the MMS heals all types of cancer(which I really should look up before I say that, but just for discussion sake I'll let it stand) by solely dealing with the microbes then..........I actually don't know how to finish that!

Besides that, though, I will look up a book about cancer by four women who found the same pathogen that Alan Cantwell found and see what they have to say about it.

Take care, and thank you for being here all these years. I admire your dedication and patience in answering questions!

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Re: What is cancer?

Post by RRM »

panacea wrote:what cancer cells have the antioxidant enzymes known as catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD)?
Almost all cancer cells, as almost all our healthy cells contain these enzymes.
Various DNA mutations (in the oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes) are required to transform a healthy cell into a cancer cell,
but mutations in the genes for the enzymes mentioned are not required.
Yes, when the functioning of such enzymes is different/altered/compromised, this is associated with oxidative DNA damage and higher cancer susceptibility,
as these enzymes protect cells against oxidative damage,
but from this one cannot reason that cancer cells completely lack those enzymes.
What specific info makes you believe that all cancer cells lack catalase, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase?
...thus ozone is needed
This makes me think that you are reading information from a specific source with a commercial aim.
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Re: What is cancer?

Post by RRM »

gianni wrote:...there is a product called Miracle Mineral Supplement that heals cancer. It does so by killing the microbes inside the cells.
Okay, then i understand that one wants to claim that microbes are the cause (to make money by selling a supplement).
Has there been any scientific study that supports the claim that this supplement cures cancer?
I will look up a book about cancer by four women who found the same pathogen
There are many agents (pathogens) that can cause cancer,
but there are no scientific claims that cancer is exclusively caused by one of them.
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Re: What is cancer?

Post by gianni »

Yes, there are a lot of instances of this supplement working. If you google Jim Humble you can read a little bit of the story behind it. I have to tell you that not only does the stuff sounds horrible, it tastes horrible, smells nasty, and can make you feel like you're going to die if you take too much. The only two things good about it is that it works and that it's very inexpensive. It's good for people who are desperate but don't want to go the regular medical route. It's also good for people who have problems that regular medicine has no cure.
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Re: What is cancer?

Post by panacea »

my sources have no commercial aim:

for SOD check out;
http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/conte ... 1.full.pdf

ozone support:

the source for the claim that cancer cells lack SOD, CAT, GPx:
Effects of Ozone Concentration on Human Blood Cells

Senior Capstone Thesis
Southern Oregon State Collage
Anthony Smith


Ozone is believed to act as a selective and rapid oxidizer of microorganisms and infected cells. Although used on nearly 500,000 patients in western Europe since the 1960's, the therapeutic use of medical ozone is largely unknown in North America. Sometimes called bio-oxidative therapy or autohemotherapy, mixtures of ozone and oxygen are mixed with blood before re-infusion by clinicians. To study possible toxic effects of ozone, human red blood cells were exposed to various ozone concentrations and hemolysis was quantified. Little hemolysis was detected at therapeutic ozone concentrations. The effect of ozone on phagocytosis by white blood cells was also examined. An increase in phagocytosis by white blood cells was observed at some ozone concentrations.


Ozone, a triatomic allotrope of oxygen, is best known as a layer of upper atmospheric gas. In western Europe, it has been used therapeutically on nearly 500,000 patients and has been given as a medical treatment over 5 million times (Jacobs 1983). However, the therapeutic use of medical ozone is largely unknown in North America. In the clinical technique known as autohemotherapy, mixtures of ozone and oxygen are mixed with blood before re-infusion by clinicians. The ozone is believed to act as a selective and rapid oxidizer of viruses (HIV, Herpes simplex and zoster, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr, myxoviruses and retroviruses), bacteria (coliform and staphylococcus) and virally infected cell membranes (Rilling and Viebahn 1987, Wolfstaedter 1993). Healthy self cells may be spared because they have the built in protection of the oxidation buffers tocopherol, ascorbic acid, superoxide dismutase (SOD), uric acid and glutathione peroxidase (Sunnen 1988).

There is evidence that ozone stimulates production of interleukin II (Carpendale and Freeberg 1991) and tumor necrosis factor by human leukocytes (Paulesu, Luzzi and Bocci 1991). It has been documented that cancer cells often have little to no expression of oxidation buffer enzymes catalase, SOD, and peroxidase (Galeotti, Bartoli and Santini 1981). In this respect, they are similar to anaerobic organisms in which there is little need for an oxidative buffer system. Hence, ozone is particularly damaging to cancerous cells. European clinicians indicate it in treatment of nearly all cancers (Rilling et al. 1987, Sunnen, 1988).

Because scientists have focused on the undeniably negative effects of inhaled ozone, medicinal aspects of the gas when applied intravenously or through the skin have been scoffed at. There is valid concern that treatments could be toxic as ozone is one of the strongest oxidants known. Is there a significant level of toxic products and/or cytotoxicity involved in the treatments? This project will investigate this question by assaying human red blood cell (RBC) hemolysis at various ozone concentrations and assaying phagocytosis by human white blood cells (WBC) under various ozone concentrations. Aqueous solutions of ozone as low as 1 µg/ml are microbicidal (Sunnen 1988). If the dosages specified in the ozone administering protocols are non-cytotoxic, then this area of medicine has some tremendous possibilities--treatment of AIDS, hepatitis, bacterial and fungal infections and large scale purification of blood and plasma stores.

My hypothesis is that at therapeutic concentrations, there will be a small amount of RBC hemolysis, but within tolerable medical limits. This is an important concern because reinfused blood should not exceed about 12% hemolysis; Reinfusion of excessively hemolyzed blood can cause an adverse systemic reaction. A range of 7-10% hemolysis is regarded to be acceptable and within the tolerance of the body to process the dead cell waste (Rilling, et al. 1988). I also hypothesize that ozone enhances the phagocytic index--the mean number of phagocytized particles in neutrophil human leukocytes. This hypothesis is based on clinical reports that low concentrations of ozone are immune enhancing, while higher concentrations are immune suppressing (Wolfstaedter 1993).

Ozone is a very powerful oxidant. Exposure of organic molecules to ozone, especially those with nucleophilic double and triple carbon bonds, yields a vast number of simple, complex, stable and unstable species. These ozonides may further hydrolyze, oxidize, reduce or thermally decompose to a variety of organic groups including aldehydes, ketones, acids or alcohols. Ozone also reacts with saturated hydrocarbons, amines, sulfhydryl groups and aromatics (Sunnen 1988). Therefore, it is likely that ozone reacts with numerous cell membrane, tissue and plasma molecules--possibly including phospholipids, glycoproteins, fatty acids, hormones, enzymes, prostaglandins, and ions. In autohemotherapy the main consideration is the reaction of ozone with tissues--especially blood. At physiological pH (~7.5) ozone favors the ionic reaction with unsaturated lipid double bonds to form lipid hydroperoxides (fig.1)(Rilling et al. 1988). Considering the extremely vast variety of lipid constituents found in biological tissues, the possible products derived from ozonation are quite large. Species derived from lipid peroxidation (some transient) include, but are not limited to: free radicals, singlet oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, molozonides, ozonides, carbonyls, alkanes and alkenes (Sunnen 1988). In general, formation of lipid hydroperoxides on cell membranes is considered to be adverse to cells both because of the lysis of the molecule and the damaging oxidative potential retained by the newly formed hydroperoxide. Chemistry in physiological systems is not as easy to define as it is in vitro.

To further complicate investigation of ozone biochemistry, there are numerous physiologically relavent molecules that exist to buffer lipid peroxidation. Tocopherol, ascorbic acid, uric acid, and enzyme systems such as SOD, catalase and glutathione peroxidase may block or mask the oxidative effect of ozone to cell membrane lipids (Sunnen 1988). There are numerous individual reactions of ozone and organic molecules that are known. In addition there are many that can be speculated. However, the biochemistry of blood ozonation has only recently begun to be understood.

Among the modern ozone treatment methods, autohemotherapy is the clinical technique that can provide the most theraputic potential, experimental control and replication. It is typically performed in one of two ways. The standard technique is to withdraw about one-fifth liter of blood, introduce an ozone/oxygen mixture at an specified ozone concentration, then reinfuse it intravenously (Rilling, et al.1987). In the more modern clinics in Europe, blood is automatically run through a continuous recirculating device which mixes ozone and blood in a closed loop and automatically reinfuses it. This study will handle and treat the blood as if it were being used in an autohemotherapy application.

Materials and Methods:

Blood collection
Blood was drawn at the student health center immediately before experimentation. Using a 20 g. needle, 10 ml heparinized Vacutainer blood collection tubes were filled to a half-volume mark (5ml) with my own blood.

Ozone generation
Ozone was generated immediately before each use. Reagent grade, pure oxygen was passed through a corona discharge style ozone generator (Model GE60-- supplied by Ozone Services A Division of Yanco Industries Ltd. of Langley B.C.1) via a Puritan-Bennett, Companion 360 Adjustable Flow Oxygen Regulator (also supplied by Ozone Services). The regulator delivers accurate gas flow through the generator from 31-3000 ml/min. The concentration of ozone in the oxygen/ozone output is controlled by two variables--flow rate through the generator tubes and electromagnetic frequency of the corona discharge itself. The system was calibrated with an Anseros GM6000 ozone analyzer by Ozone Services. The system can deliver ozone in almost any concentration from 0-91 µg ozone /ml of oxygen

Blood ozonation
5 ml of an ozone/oxygen mixture was drawn into a syringe directly from the ozone generator. A needle was installed on the syringe and it was plunged into a 10 ml Vacutainer filled with only 5 ml blood. The half-full Vacutainer retained a slight negative pressure that drew the oxygen/ozone mixture in. The Vacutainer contained 5 ml of gas and 5 ml of blood. The range of ozone concentrations used was 17-91 µg ozone per ml of oxygen. The volumes of the gas mixtures used were always equal to the volume of blood used, giving an absolute administration range of 17-91µg ozone per ml of blood. The tube was gently agitated for one minute. An aliquot of the treated blood was used for RBC hemolysis analysis and phagocytic index determination.

Erythrocyte hemolysis determination
Hemolysis was estimated by light absorbance at 540 nm. It was necessary to establish a standard curve of absorbances versus percent hemolysis. 4% untreated blood in distilled water was used as a standard for 100% hemolysis. Serial dilutions of this solution in isotonic 0.14M saline solution (Table 1) were read for absorbance on an HP Spec 20 spectrophotometer. Absorbance and hemolysis are directly and linearly related. For example, the absorbance of a solution of the 100% hemolyzed standard diluted 1/2 will have the same absorbance as a sample of 4% blood with 50% hemolysis.

Ozone treated blood was mixed, in a conical plastic test tube, with isotonic 0.14M saline solution to make a 4% blood solution. The tube was centrifuged at 1900 rpm for 5 minutes to pellet remaining viable erythrocytes (RBC's) and ghosts. The absorbance of the supernatant was recorded and referenced to the hemolysis standard function to estimate hemolysis.

Phagocytic index determination
The phagocytic index (PI) is an average number of particles phagocytized by neutrophils. 1ml of an 18 hr yeast culture was added to a 5 ml sample of blood. The blood was ozonated, as described above, and incubated at 37 C for one hour. After incubation, the blood was centrifuged at 1500 rpm for 4-5 minutes to separate the plasma, buffy coat and red blood cells. A 20 µl sample from the buffy coat was Wright stained and viewed under a light microscope. The number of yeasts inside each of 25 neutrophils (chosen as randomly as possible) was recorded and averaged. As a control, the PI was determined for untreated blood incubated with yeast. As a second control, the PI was determined for yeast incubated blood treated with pure oxygen--the solvent in which ozone is always in during this application.


The 4% blood hemolysis standards of absorbance at 540nm generated a linear graph (fig.2). The standard was extrapolated to a zero y-intercept because plasma (diluted to 4% in saline) from untreated blood was used as the zero-absorbance blank. Therefore, the hemolysis values in figures 2 and 3 represent hemolysis values over background hemolysis (attributed to extraction, transport, storage, etc.).

Red blood cell hemolysis increased exponentially from 0.07-2.17% (over background hemolysis) as the concentration of the ozone dose increased through the tested range of 59-91 µg/ml (fig.3). No hemolysis over background was detected from ozone concentrations below 59 µg/ml. The standard deviations were very small and this data is statistically significant.

Compared to untreated blood and oxygenated blood, ozone increased the phagocytic index of neutrophils up to a maximum index of 4.12 yeasts/neutrophil. This maximum occurred at an ozone concentration of 49 µg/ml. Concentrations of ozone above 49 µg/ml reduced the phagocytic index. At the highest ozone concentrations, the phagocytic index remained greater than both the untreated and the oxygen treated controls (fig.4). The standard deviations of these data points are quite large, but the trend fits the expected based on the observations of Rilling, Carpendale, Wolfstaedter and others.


A main challenge in the discussion of ozone therapy is overcoming the strong negative stigma that ozone is a toxic, noxious or caustic gas. Even among educated scientists, this idea is often based on assumption and misinformation. The best way to settle the issue is to put blood ozonation up to scientific testing. Research has shown that inhaled ozone is toxic in low concentrations and deadly at high concentrations (Cross and Halliwell 1994). But what has research shown about the effect of direct ozonation of human blood in vitro? Ozone did not significantly hemolyze RBC's even at the highest generated ozone concentrations (fig.3). The range of ozone concentration used in most contemporary ozone clinics is 25-40 µg/ml (Sunnen 1988). At these concentrations, I was not able to detect any hemolysis over background levels with the equipment I used. It was not until ozone above 59 µg/ml was used that I was able to detect the smallest amount of hemoglobin absorbance. With regards to hemolysis, ozone is not cytotoxic and safe for reinfusion.

Ozone enhances white blood cell phagocytosis (fig.4). In the case of a systemic microbial infection, the combination of direct microbe killing and phagocytosis enhancement would be a certain benefit. However my experiment does not explain the mechanism of enhanced phagocytosis. A minimum of two possible mechanisms may be involved. Ozone may have altered the neutrophils so that they phagocytized more readily. Or, it may have altered the yeast surface so that they were more readily phagocytized. Also it may be that a combination of these two mechanisms are operating. Further research should include experiments that investigate the mechanism of PI enhancement. A comparison should be made of the phagocytic index of two blood samples: one in which a ozone-treated yeast culture is added to untreated blood, and one that is ozone treated before non-ozonated yeast are added. Also, the experiments should determine the concentration of viable yeast added to blood and determine killing rates by ozone. A blood sample of blood should be plated and the colonies counted before and after ozonation so that ozone microbicidal properties can be compared to PI and hemolysis.

Proposals to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for clinical trials are persistently denied with the packaged excuse "ozone is a toxic gas with no known therapeutic value" (McCabe 1988). Clinical studies in English can be hard to find. Why won't the FDA allow formal medical trials? In the United States, large drug companies are directly involved in nearly all medical research and lobby to control AMA and FDA policy. There is little interest in researching the possibilities of ozone therapy since the gas cannot be packaged and marketed (it decomposes to O2). It is too simple, very effective and quite inexpensive. In fact, it has been the unpublished policy of the FDA to confiscate equipment and jail clinical ozone researchers. In October 1996, Dr. John Gambee M.D. of Eugene, Oregon lost his state medical license for using ozone therapy, and was later even denied appeal. (The Oregonian 1996). Despite this, doctors in the U.S. and Europe have reported hundreds of cases of HIV positive to negative reversal, loss of AIDS symptoms (Carpendale et al. 1991), tumor shrinkage and disappearance and cure of systemic infections such as hepatitis, staphylococcal infection and meningitis (Paulesu et al. 1991, Rilling, et al. 1986). The research in medical ozone has come to a point where it really cannot go much further without mainstream medical approval. There are volumes and volumes of research documenting ozone therapy histologically, biochemically, and clinically--more than enough to warrant formal human clinical trials.

Works cited:

Carpendale, M.T. and J.K. Freeberg. 1991. Ozone inactivates HIV at non-cytotoxic concentrations. Antiviral Research. 16:281-292
Cross, C.E., and B. Halliwell. 1994. Evaluation of biomolecular damage by ozone. In: L. Packer, editor. Methods in Enzymology Vol.234. San Diego: Academic Press. p. 253-256
Galeotti, T., G.M. Bartoli, and S. Santini. 1981. Growth related changes in tumor superoxide dismutase content. In: M.A. Rodgers and E.L. Powers, editors. Oxygen and Oxy-radicals in Chemistry and Biology. New York: Academic Press.
Jacobs, M.T. 1983. Adverse effects and typical complications in ozone-oxygen therapy. OzoNachrichten. 1: 193-201
McCabe, Ed. 1988. Oxygen Therapies. Morrisville, NY: Energy Publications. p. 117
The Oregonian. 1996. Back to court. Metro section. October 24. p. C1
Paulesu, L., E. Luzzi, V. Bocci. 1991. Studies on the biological effects of ozone; induction of tumor necrosis factor in human leucocytes. Lymphokine Cytkine Res. 10:409-412
Rilling, S. and R. Vieban. 1987. The use of ozone in medicine. Stuttgart: Arztliche Gesellschaft fur Ozonotherapie publication; p 1-172
Sunnen, G.V. 1988. Ozone in Medicine: Overview and Future Directions. Journal of Advancement in Medicine. Vol.1, No.3 p.159-174
Wolfstaedter, H.D. 1993. Ozone Therapy. NATC Caucus Proceedings of the International AIDS Society. Berlin. May 1993
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Re: What is cancer?

Post by RRM »

Thank you Betsy!
gianni wrote:Yes, there are a lot of instances of this supplement working. If you google Jim Humble...
I am looking for scientific studies that have verified his claims regarding this supplement and curing cancer.
Cancer is serious business.
Cure claims need to be examined extremely carefully.
... It's good for people who are desperate but don't want to go the regular medical route.
The last thing that desperate people need, is having their hopes shattered,
by someone who is trying to make a buck.
If a cure is real, it can be measured.
If it can be measured, it can be established by scientists, and written down in a scientific article.
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Re: What is cancer?

Post by RRM »

panacea wrote:
RRM wrote:
panacea wrote:what cancer cells have the antioxidant enzymes known as ... superoxide dismutase (SOD)?
Almost all cancer cells, as almost all our healthy cells contain these enzymes.
for SOD check out; http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/conte ... 1.full.pdf
The first line of the article says:
"Diminished amounts of manganese-containing superoxide dismutase have been found in all the tumors examined to date.
Lowered amounts of the copper-zinc-containing superoxide dismutase have been found in many, but not all, tumors"
panacea wrote:ozone support: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7403859
The article concludes: "Evidently, the mechanisms for defense against ozone damage are impaired in human cancer cells".
Its says "impaired", not absent.
panacea wrote:the source for the claim that cancer cells lack SOD, CAT, GPx:
...It has been documented that cancer cells often have little to no expression of oxidation buffer enzymes catalase, SOD, and peroxidase
"Often" does not at all mean (almost) "always".
"Little" does not mean "none".
So that when you ask: "what cancer cells have the antioxidant enzymes known..."
this very article tells you: "many".
Wiki wrote:The American Cancer Foundation has always strongly advised cancer patients against using ozone therapy. In its last reviews of Ozone therapy in 1993/94 it insisted although ozone has been subject to legitimate research there is no evidence that ozone is effective for the treatment of cancer in humans and could possibly have harmful effects. This remains the American Cancer Foundation's policy to date
In 2004 Oxford University reported of a Spanish cancer research institute's human trial of ozone therapy. Involving 19 patients with incurable head and neck tumors receiving radiotherapy and tegafur, plus either chemotherapy (12 patients) or ozone therapy (7 patients). Those receiving ozone intravenously during radiotherapy were on average 10 years older, and their tumors significantly more abundant and progressed than the chemotherapy group. But on average the ozone group survived slightly longer than those receiving chemotherapy. They conclude these results warrant further researcher of ozone as a treatment for cancer.
Though controversial, ozone treatment may be an effective treatment,
but to establish how effective it is compared to other treatments,
we need more comparative studies.
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Re: The Appendix, Candida & Coconut oil remedy

Post by Rivera »

dandate2 wrote:simoncini claims that the tumour itself isn't a fungus, but infection is the source cause of it. i don't think that has been disproven.
Simoncini has an interesting past:
Tullio Simoncini is a disbarred Roman physician and businessman and president of a private association Associazione italiana Fungo è Tumore (A.I.F.è.T.), (i.e. Italian Association Fungus and Cancer). No publication of Simoncini's can be found in any scientific databases until today (2010).

After several deaths occurred after a sodium bicarbonate therapy, Simoncini was sued by families of the victims. He lost his medical approbation and was convicted of fraud in three cases and of wrongful death in one case in 2003. His brother, Angelo Simoncini, (also a physician) was convicted of fraud, too. His name has been cancelled as well from the list of Italian accredited physicians
Female breast cancer patient Sylvia Trachsler died 8 October 2007 in the Netherlands at the age of 58, after having received daily sodium bicarbonate infusions in an alternative clinic, the Kliniek voor Preventieve Geneeskunde Berg en Bosch (KPG) in Bilthoven. Her friend Peter (Peter M.) started a search for other patients who had been treated according to the Simoncini protocol. Sylvia died of heart failure, but the exact cause of her unnatural death could not be established. After her death, the Dutch health authorities intervened and banned the treatment
And click
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