There was already a Fructose thread but it seems to be closed, although it did answer some of my questions. [Although I do find it difficult to read certain arguments that are less-than objective, I guess I'll link it not that it's too relevant viewtopic.php?f=22&t=2058&hilit=fructose ]
I just watched this video, 'Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin.' Again, I get that ghrelin is suppressed enough by glucose that when consumed with Fructose it creates a balanced suppression of appetite. ... ure=relmfu
I didn't understand everything about how Fructose was bad, but a few of my friends have been speaking about it and telling me that my fructose consumption is too high and fiber is too low. I know it's an hour and a half to watch, but if someone could even just watch the second half of it, where it speaks about the fructose and fiber, than I could rest easy. I try not to be convinced by something I don't fully understand but somehow it leaves an impression on you; I guess that's how fear works on people.
"What do we call it when I compound enters the body, and only the liver can process it, and in doing so causes all sorts of problems. . . we call it a. . . poison".
Also, it contributes to the creation of Uric Acid, causing Gout and Hyper Tension, Chronic fructose exposure promotes the Metabolic Syndrome, and the part that personally gets me worried is that Inflamation through JNK1 is caused by Fructose consumption.
At the end he says "alchohol is metabolized by the brain, and that's why you get a buzz, fructose is not". That makes me wonder, are wheat/dairy opiods not metabolized by the brain as much as opium? Why do they not make us as high as other drugs? [sorry for the off topic]
Also, going slightly off-topic but in response to the earlier thread's reply by Summerwave, I don't understand how 3g fructose., 3g glucose, and 6g sugrose(which is 50/50 sucrose/glucose), plus table sugar which is 50/50 sucrose/glucose, makes 20% fructose. Wouldn't it be 50%?
But most importantly I'm concerned about Fructose, and I think you'd enjoy this video anyway RRM (at least the second half; it is a bit long).
Fructose, Metabolic Syndrome, Gout, Hyper Tension, Uric Acid
- Mr. PC
- Posts: 617
- Joined: Sun 25 Jan 2009 05:16
- Location: Canada
Re: Fructose, Metabolic Syndrome, Gout, Hyper Tension, Uric
He's definitely talking about fructose in the form of HFCS, etc.
If you're lazy to listen the video, you can read this: ... sugar.html
If you're lazy to listen the video, you can read this: ... sugar.html
As you can see what he's basically suggesting is the wai diet :) Except for the grain/milk part of course.Get rid of all sugared liquids! Only drink water or milk.
Eat your carbohydrates in their whole natural form with fiber: fruit, whole grains, etc.
Wait 20 minutes for 2nd portions
Re: Fructose, Metabolic Syndrome, Gout, Hyper Tension, Uric
Total rubbish. I suggest you read this article: ... drome.html
IF you're too lazy, scroll down and read the summary part.
It comes down to this:
Fructose is a sugar that acts like a natural complex carbohydrate (which aren't present in our orignal paleo diet). It should be consumed in the 50/50 proportion with glucose for best use. Also a bit of starch cant do harm (bananas). ... drome.html
IF you're too lazy, scroll down and read the summary part.
It comes down to this:
Fructose is a sugar that acts like a natural complex carbohydrate (which aren't present in our orignal paleo diet). It should be consumed in the 50/50 proportion with glucose for best use. Also a bit of starch cant do harm (bananas).