cooked meat question

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Post by Oscar »

I'm inclined to agree with Dr. Price's findings in this regard. I think diet does have a big influence on the strength of the teeth, as well as the remineralization process, which are both factors in tooth decay.

The problem is, that we don't (yet) know which foods are responsible for this. "Processed foods" is of course a general term, which covers a great deal. We all know that snacks like Doritos or a Mars bar are processed, but so is olive oil, raw cheese, and the big culprit table sugar.

It would be interesting to do extensive research into this, but I don't see this happen anytime soon.
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Post by avalon »

Yes, and the processing of Doritos, mars bars and say... pop tarts, honey comb and coco puffs cereal, pringles, gold fish crackers, white bread to name a few more, are so much farther removed from what-ever they 'used' to be, that raw cheese and olive oil shine like becons of hope in the dark sea of man's current eating habits?

I never thought I would ever give up drinking coffee, and I clung to Green Tea for dear life for many months... but now I have no interest in either. I still have a box of green tea which I turn to If I'm bored for lack of eats, but it's like once every few months now. I don't plan on buying anymore. I really enjoy the thought that, only water flows through me now. Well, and maybe yolks and some other liquidy stuff :)
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Post by avalon »

ehh... that didn't sound right... :shock:
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Post by Oscar »

Hehe ;D
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Post by Aytundra »

RRM wrote: Wed 19 Apr 2006 19:42
nick wrote:Are you referring to someone at Nestle who wanted to use it to increase sales? I remember reading that in one your articles. However, I couldn't find the actual article itself.
Yes, that was Witherly from Nestlé quoted by Solms in his book
"Food Acceptance and Nutrition"
London 1987, page 403.

It was published in the US in 1988. You can get used and new copies at
I am curious does it have actual data collected by Nestle on the opioid peptides and beta carbolines?

Is it worth my money to spend getting a copy of this book?
{It is ~$20, gonna have to wait for the price to drop! To maybe $2 or $3 so that the shipping cost gets covered}
I have $10 gift card for Amazon, that I have to spend somewhere, any other ideas (better products, books to buy {dohn't tell me to buy fresh orange juice!; I am sure you want me to buy a masticating juicer, but that ad has to be under $10, because I can't afford anything else.}.

If it is just some plain discussion about promoting Nestle's sales than that is just silly, all business wants to discuss that.
A tundra where will we be without trees? Thannnks!
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Re: Re:

Post by RRM »

Aytundra wrote: Sat 26 Aug 2017 02:46 I am curious does it have actual data collected by Nestle on the opioid peptides and beta carbolines?
No, it doesn't
Is it worth my money to spend getting a copy of this book?
{It is ~$20, gonna have to wait for the price to drop! To maybe $2 or $3 so that the shipping cost gets covered}
No, it was interesting at the time, but not worth spending any money on.
The copy i read was a library copy
I have $10 gift card for Amazon, that I have to spend somewhere, any other ideas (better products, books to buy {dohn't tell me to buy fresh orange juice!; I am sure you want me to buy a masticating juicer, but that ad has to be under $10, because I can't afford anything else.}.
A book about biochemistry, though you can get these in a library also
If it is just some plain discussion about promoting Nestle's sales than that is just silly, all business wants to discuss that.
It is, actually, though the rest of the book contained a lot of interesting info
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