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Post by angel26 »

I don't know but I think it his more pale brown then deep dark brown but I will check today. My stools are also soft and sometimes liquid on the Wai diet...that can't be good right?
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Post by Christina »

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..... First thing in the morning, drink a small glass of either orange juice or grapefruit juice or pineapple juice with 3 egg yolks and 1 Tablesp. olive oil. Don't have anyting before or after-not even water. After an hour you can drink your warm water ....
Avoid olives, don't eat more than a few nuts and don't use huge amounts of ooil the rest of the day, I mean have it but measure a teasp. or tablesp.. Make sure you are regular.
You can keep doing this until your situation improves or forever. It's just like the diet. Try avoiding certain foods and see if you are allergic like f. ex. tomatoes.
..... Maybe all the yolks and oo on the wai diet with orange etc. purges the liver until it works.
The harsh purges use eposm salt and huge amounts of oo with lemon juice. pretty gross and hard on the body.
Keep us updated and head up. radical canges happen all the time.
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Post by angel26 »

Christina wrote:Emilie, is you stool pale or is it a deep brown shade. Sorry to be so specific but that could tell if your liver is functioning correctly.

If my stool his pale does that mean my liver is not functioning right?
Ok this morning my stool his kind of medium green brown :oops:
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Post by Christina »

golden brown is good
green shades come out when the liver is releasing stored up bile. bile is green.
I'm not an expert, so I really cannot give you any guarantees, but the receipe I gave you cannot harm and might help. if you want try it.

nothing to be embarrassed about. we're trying to get healthy here. and it's a natural thing. :wink:
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Post by RRM »

What your stool looks like, largely depends on what you ate. (for example: after eating bananas, your stool is pretty much pale, while after eating just fish/meat, its brown)
Christina wrote:One thing that's supposed to help the liver is to flush it.
We dont support the concept of a so called 'liver flush'. Please dont advocate it here, you can do so in 'other opinions'. I therefore edited your post.
After an hour you can drink your warm water to get your digestion started.
Anything digestable will get your digestion started, but on the other hand, your digestion never stops anyway.
Last edited by RRM on Wed 09 Jan 2008 20:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by RRM »

angel26 wrote:My stools are also soft and sometimes liquid on the Wai diet...that can't be good right?
Sometimes they are more solid, and sometimes they are softer (or even liquid), right?
If so, thats nothing to worry about.
You are not the only one for whom it took longer for the diet to eliminate the acne. 1 month is still not long, for some it took half a year.
Hang on in there, although i understand thats very, very hard in your situation. Please give it one more month, so that you are going beyond the influence of one menstrual cycle.

Regarding allergies, there still is a possibility of that being an issue, as you probably have not been tested for every fruit specie that you eat. So, you might want to consider to leave out the 4 most suspected fruits, each during one week (separately; one at a time).
My heart is with you angel.
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Post by angel26 »

I have a queastion for you RRM
I eat evry day a lot of olive oil and avocado on this diet and I am worried about having a excess of oleic acid when eating to much olive oil and avocado. I know that this fatty acid is important for keeping arteries subtle, but in excess those it not interfere with essential fatty acids and prostaglandin production witch could be damaging fo my health and not helping with my acne?
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Post by angel26 »

Ok today I have dark circles around my eyes(withch I rarely have) and my skin tone his looking dry and yellow and lets not talk about the acne , the diet his making me look not healthy and my friends and coworkers have notice. I look like a drug addict are someone with a terminal disease!
I have been eating wai diet for 1 month and If it was so good for my health why do I look sick?
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Post by RRM »

angel26 wrote:I have a queastion for you RRM
I eat evry day a lot of olive oil and avocado on this diet and I am worried about having a excess of oleic acid
If you are worried about that, then dont eat as much olive oil.
angel26 wrote:Ok today I have dark circles around my eyes(withch I rarely have) and my skin tone his looking dry and yellow ... I look like a drug addict are someone with a terminal disease
Then there is something very different going on with you.
This diet never has this effect, but totally the opposite.
why do I look sick?
Maybe you ARE sick.
Please go to the docter and have yourself checked.
If you think it is because of this diet, then stop it.
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Post by angel26 »

Maybe you ARE sick.
Please go to the docter and have yourself checked.
If you think it is because of this diet, then stop it.
Ok I have exaggerated a little, I don't look like someone who has a terminal disease but I look worse and less healthy then before. I have done numerous tests done just 2 months ago and they did not find anything wrong. I am actually never sick and don't even get colds, I feel good on the Wai diet so I don't want to stop but man do I look horrible, how can I feel so good but look so unhealthy?
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Post by angel26 »

Today I am stopping the wai sample diet cause it is making my acne worse, it is not working for me and I am starting to have bleeding gums and sensitive teeth.
Tanks RRM for answering my posts but I can't continue this diet.
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Post by Biev »

I hope you feel better angel.
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