Avalon 5-22-06

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Post by Cairidh »

mmm that sounds utterly delicious!! I'm salivating. Too bad coz my mouth isn't getting any.

Your days diet sounds really healthy.
The only critique I would make is that it doesn't include rainbow coloured fruits which are full of vitamins, antioxidants, phytochemicals etc. For example mango, peaches, nectarines, cherries, papaya, berries which aren't wai, plums, apricots, pineapple. Looking at your 4 months list that doesn't include them either.

You're also not eating enough fruit in general Wai says - even when you have munchfood as well - to have a lot of fruit. Wasn't it 2kg minimum?

Couldn't you try sweet potato instead of brown rice, which would be yummy, and would give you some of the benefits of rainbow fruit?

And you could try raw apple cider vinegar (Braggs make one) instead of balsamic vinegar?

I watched an episode of Ruth Rendalls Inspector Wexford the other day. He'd been to China and since then had been drinking 8 cups of green tea per day. And then his doctor told him in those quantities green tea is lethal - its an hallucinogenic, and is a drug. I've never heard that before, and when I googled I couldn't find any info about it. But beware!! Green Tea could get you stoned!
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Post by Chin-Chin »

Green tea is a divine drink. I haven't been drinking it since I've been on this diet, but I cannot allow bad reputation to spread!

Hallucinogenic? Avalon is the pillar of lucidity and clear-mindedness! You must have never been stoned for real Cairaidh, because then you'll realize that it's not the same as drinking tea :)

Green tea IS classified as a stimulant, but does not create the kind of nervousness that cigarettes or coffee stimulate.
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Post by Cairidh »

not tea, just green tea.

and don't blame me, blame Ruth Rendall. (the author)
Throughout his trip to China, Wexford reads supernatural stories and drinks rather too much green tea. He even suffers hallucinations like the hero in Sheridan Le Fanu’s famous Green Tea story.
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Post by huntress »

Are we here to proove we have self-control or are we here to eat for fun and health?

Good question Chin-Chin. *thumbs up* For me, it would be both. I am a perfectionist and sometimes use this diet as a basis to measure and regain my self control. Although that being said, I mainly use this diet to optimize my health.
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Post by avalon »

Maybe both!

Huntress, I will try yolks on taters this week :) I can't wait!!!

I found Wai. I was looking for something, some avenue to follow after my initial fruit juice fast of 7 days, four months ago.

The simplicity of Wai is wonderful! If her book didn't include munch foods I never would be yapping. But it does. And I believe it is good. I don't believe in cookies, but I believe in the option of cookies.

Argue with me all you want, but does she write this or not? RRM, Oscar, are you saying she was wrong...

“If you do not consume the munch foods that sufficiently satisfy your cravings, this diet may be too hard to maintain.”

okay, she's wrong.

I don't believe it. I don't want chocolate, I don't want sugar but sure as all get out I want some cooked food. Tell me there isn't a trade off.
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Post by Oscar »

Uhm...she isn't wrong...: "If....may be...". Basically it means the same as: "Chances are, the diet will be too hard without munchfoods.". In other words: "If you cannot do this diet without munchfoods, then eat munchfoods.".

I think everyone has a different craving, but chances are it's something high in addictive substances. For me it was potato chips (red pepper flavor), and to a lesser extent in the beginning pizza. For you it's the cooked chicken and the cheese (cooked protein and opioid peptides respectively).
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Post by Cairidh »

For me it was vegetarian bolognaise, mashed potato, and these barbecue flavour fake chicken pieces from my health shop....but I went cold turkey. If I'd carried on eating them the cravings would never have gone away. If you don't eat cooked food at all for 6 months you no longer crave it.
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Post by RRM »

True, but for most people that is simply too radical at once.
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