Wai baby 2

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Re: Wai baby 2

Post by RRM »

Mia wrote: This means that she cant drink any juice between 09:00 when we leave her at the preschool
and 11:00 when they serve lunch.
hmm, thats not good...
How is she doing with that?
She doesnt feel tired?
If you cannot change that, you could additionally give her salmon right before 09.00,
so that she will have more lasting energy at her disposal.
Mia wrote:Does anyone know if its possible to get used to orange juice if you continue to drink it even though
your body do not seem to like it. I mean if i can get rid of sensitivity and intolerance in any way?
The combination of banana juice and orange juice is much milder,
and might be better tolerated.
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Re: Wai baby 2

Post by Mia »

She does not seem to be tired, but I do not see her between 09:00 and 14:00 and can not judge for my self. I give her 1 yolk in her morning juice at 07:00 and then she continue to drink a little more juice until 09:00. But do you think it would be better to give her salmon?

Yes, I always mix her OJ with banana juice, but it does not seem to help. I will try to let the oranges ripe a little longer and hope that will do some difference, otherwise I suppose i have to leave them out..
Maybe watermelon juice is an option, even though I (but maybe not my daughter) think it taste horrible!
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Re: Wai baby 2

Post by Oscar »

Well, technically speaking, if her reserves/glycogen depots are full, then she should be able to go without food for hours, replenishing them after (unless you she burns through it because of enormous energy expenditure). Though not ideal I think it should be fine. Otherwise use salmon, like RRM suggested. :)
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Re: Wai baby 2

Post by RRM »

Try to talk to the teacher to find out whether your daughter's energy levels are ok during the last hours of school.
And yes, of course you should ignore your own food preferences, and need to find out what fruit-juice-combinations she likes. Just experiment.
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Wai baby

Post by Mia »

I have tried many juices, and its not that she´s getting allergic reactions, but she sleep much less and more irregular, and she is less "independent" (she cries more easily and wants to be were i am). Plus constipation tendencies.
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Re: Grape Juice

Post by RRM »

Mia wrote:I have tried many juices, and its not that she´s getting allergic reactions, but she sleep much less and more irregular, and she is less "independent" (she cries more easily and wants to be were i am). Plus constipation tendencies.
Constipation? My daughter never has.
How do you notice?
I actually doubt that the sleep and crying etc is connected to the kind of juice she drinks.
There will always be days of less crying / more sleep and vice versa;
its so hard to establish true correlations as there are so many factors at play.
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Re: Grape Juice

Post by Mia »

I dont know if it counts as constipation. But i notice that she has problems when she is pooping.
It takes 3-4 days in between, and i think it hurts because she cries and looks really terrified. I even noticed blood in her stool a few times.
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Re: Grape Juice

Post by RRM »

Mia wrote:I dont know if it counts as constipation. But i notice that she has problems when she is pooping.
It takes 3-4 days in between, and i think it hurts because she cries and looks really terrified. I even noticed blood in her stool a few times.
No, thats not good.
My daughter always poops everyday, always about 15 minutes after waking up.
It never makes her cry. Whenever i think "why is she squatting now"? She is pooping.
What exactly does she eat?
Is her poop hard, medium or soft?
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Re: Wai baby 2

Post by Mia »

- She drinks ~1200ml juice / day + a few drops of olive oil
(Banana (~300ml) + some other juice, mostly melon, watermelon, orange, mandarin or mango).

- 3 yolks
- raw salmon or slow cooked salmon, beef or chicken

06:30-07:00 1,5dl juice + 1 yolk
07:30-08:45 2 dl juice + sometimes little salmon
I leave her at the preschool
10:30-11:00 salmon or slow cooked beef + 2dl juice
11:30-13:30 sleeping
13:30 few pieces of fruit + 2dl juice
15:30 pick her up from preschool
15:30-18:30 3,5dl juice
19:00 1dl juice + 2 yolks

I know its not optimal with such long time between her meals during the day. But i cant change the rules at her school. Im happy that i am allowed to bring her own food after all. In the weekends and days of her meals are more evenly distributed.

its when she drinks citrus-banana its most difficult for her to poop, and also when i have seen the blood. Her poop is hard and dry.
When she drinks melon-banana, she gets very bloated from day 1, and when she finally poops after a couple of days, the poop i very soft and almost liquid. (leaks out from the diaper)
Mango-banana makes her poop everyday, and the poop is normal. But the problem is that its hard to make (or make her drink) more than 1 litre/day.
I tried banana-grapes most recently and thats the juice that makes her bloat the least, but she does not poop everyday, and i havent tried it long enough to know how it really works for her.

Other juices, like apple, pear and pineapple is not working so well either because of bloating or diarrea.
Right now im thinking of mango-banana as the best option, but then i have to increase something else.
Is four yolks/day to much for her?

Well, enough poop-talk for now!
I appreciate all the help i can get.
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Re: Wai baby 2

Post by Mia »

Maybe the banana juice is the problem... :?
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Re: Wai baby 2

Post by RRM »

Mia wrote:its when she drinks citrus-banana its most difficult for her to poop, and also when i have seen the blood. Her poop is hard and dry.
Lets use the elimination method.
And lets start with banana, because its the only fruit here that contains a lot of fiber plus starches,
including insoluble fiber and resistant starch (depending on fruit ripeness), so that in some people,
the latter 2 may cause constipation.
Maybe you can give her only juices without banana for 2 weeks?
(grapes, mango, melon, whatever)
Of course always add some olive oil to it, to make it 'softer' on her stomach.
Other juices, like apple, pear and pineapple is not working so well either because of bloating or diarrea.
In combination with banana, or without?
Is four yolks/day to much for her?
That would correspond to about 20 yolks for an adult, which is quite a lot.
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Re: Wai baby 2

Post by Mia »

Yes, Apple, pear or pineapple juice always combined with banana juice.
I will eliminate banana completely for two weeks, starting tomorrow, to se what happens.

Ok, 4 yolks is to much then. I'll keep it at 3/day.
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Re: Wai baby 2

Post by Mia »

We are at the childrens hospital since thuesday. My daughter has stomach ache, bloating and a fever that comes and goes. They dont know what is wrong with her but they tested for urine inflammation, and checked her kidneys and liver with ultrasound and everything looks fine. But she is constipated. They gave her 2 klyx but she is still extremly bloated and the ultrasound showed that her intestines is full of content. There is no possibility for me to make her juice here but she dont want to eat or drink much anyway. I am worried and i would really appriciate some advice from you.
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Re: Wai baby 2

Post by RRM »

Just go with the Dr's advice.
If she doesnt want to eat or drink (which is normal when filled with food-waste), she will need intravenous feeding.
I would suggest a whole lot less fiber; just sieved juices instead of whole fruits...
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Re: Wai baby 2

Post by Mia »

Thank you RRM!
She is on antibiotics from today, they think its some bacteria in her stomach, but are not sure. She drank 600 ml oj today (i bought a hand juicer) and ate some meatballs from the hospital kitchen, not perfect but i am happy that she ate something.
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