claire's journey

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Post by claireelis »

thanks for your reply! i can imagine that high fat is good for IBS and i certainly don't plan on avoiding fats, however my main problem is that the sphincter from my stomach to my intestines doesn't always open when it should (i was born with a too narrow passage here and it worked fine after an operation as a baby - but the problems have returned b/c of infection and remained after the infection cleared). fat, fiber and not enough HCl acid keep the valve shut. this in turn leads nausea, vomiting, erradic blood sugar levels and is probably is also the root cause of IBS-like symptoms.

so i am thinking if i sip juices while sitting and working throughout the day w/out oil this will keep my blood sugar steady. snacking on low fiber fruit when i want to eat something should also go well. then for lunch & dinner & evening snack have an avocado salad and/or yolks/sashimi (preceded by grapefruit juice for acidity) then immediately go for a walk to let gravity help out some. this may not be the best for my skin, but hopefully the best for steady blood sugar and nutrition.

i really really want to find a healthy and healing alternative - i can't imagine that my body can't heal this once its properly nourished. any ideas and opinions are very welcome!
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Post by claireelis »

I reread the dietary guidelines for gastroparesis and turns out that high fat fiber free liquids are good for this condition :) yesterday i tried juices, avo salads, fruits and sashimi and was fine with the juices, but then had pain and threw up pretty much everytime i ate. this morning i took it easy, but i am going see if just fruit juice with oil and yolks will work.
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Post by Christina »

Hi Clairelis

Thanks for your reply on the weightloss forum.
I'm imagining that you might feel better if you only drink juice with olive oil and once a day some with egg yolks. And to have it only 5 sips at a time every 15 min. or so. It's just an idea. And does it get better if you eat tiny quantities? Sometimes I don't like orange juice since it is so acid. So I juice ripe cantaloups and sweet apples or dark grapes. Yum!
I wonder if your liver/gallbladder is congested. The bile gets secreted from the gallbladder whenever fatty foods have entered the system.
It keeps our system balanced.
Hope you find a way to feel completely healthy again. And I hope you can do it the natural, way without supplements, expensive therapists etc. which often doesn't help anyway.

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Post by claireelis »

Christina, thanks for the advice :) yesterday the juice with oil and yolks didn't go well :( i ended up binging on potatoes and chocolate b/c i was so hungry which also didn't go well. today i'm going to try only juices (first without oil) and then like you said a few sips every 15 mins. i usually gulp them down, but that isn't good for my stomach or steady glucose levels - this time i'll seriously set a timer until i feel like i can 'hear' my body's signals. i love apple juice and a combination of cuke and melon is one of my faves!!

you may be on to something with the gall bladder idea - my cousin who has had the same operation and digestive troubles as i have ended up having to have her gall bladder removed - it took repeated tests over the course of years for the internist to figure out that was the source of the problem - although removing it just caused other problems. i've been tested for the same twice, but so far no evidence that there are gall bladder problems, but maybe the tests are incomplete for me as well. either way i don't want my gall bladder removed so i still have to get to a place where my body can heal.
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Post by claireelis »

yes :) today has gone pretty good!!! i made a juice (today no oil) of about 3 pieces of fruit every hour or so - also sipped juice when running errands. it seemed very clear when i hadn't had enough - sometimes surprisingly intense drop in energy, also very weak legs - this happend after running errands (3x 30 min) (didn't sip enough? or is it empty glycogen?).

i just had 3 egg yolks and after about 5 mins felt quite sick to my stomach, had cramping and a rush to the restroom - bad egg or a result of the first food/fat that i 'ate'. i still feel a sick to my stomach - but i woke up feeling *very* sick to my stomach so either way an improvement.

my body will probably take about 3 days on juices to feel good again. Should i wait with the yolks until i feel better or just keep trying?
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Post by Christina »

I've heard bad things about gallbladder removal. Try to avoid that.
I heard of a mild gallbladder flush which fits the Wai way. You drink a cup of orange juice first thing in the morning with 3 egg yolks and 1 T. olive oil on an empty stomach. You can do that for as many days as you wish. But I am guessing that your body will not take that.
I read that you used to do a vegan low fat raw diet for a while. A person with an overfilled gallbladder needs a regular fat intake to spill bile and release the stagnating fluids which otherwise supposedly can form stones if never emptied. Those stones can block the passage way for the bile to the intestines and therefore cause lots of digestive disturbances. It's similarly problematic to fast for long with no fats.
So what I'm saying is, that your gallbladder might have suffered from that low fat period and you need to not ever give up on the oliveoil. I wonder if that juice with oil will work to clear the issue over time.
I think that you get overeating pangs because your body might not metabolize the oils properly and therefore you have the bloodsugar fluctuations that lead to cravings. This vicious circle has got to be broken . Since I believe that it is not a mental issue but plain brain chemistry according to nutrients in your bloodstream.
I'm not an expert but I've spent a lot of time reading about the body's functions. But I might be totally wrong.
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Post by Oscar »

I'm just guessing here (or stabbing in the dark, if you will)...did you give your body enough time to readjust to the egg yolks/sashimi? Maybe your body is overly sensitive to bacteria (now) and needs to slowly get used to them again.

Maybe RRM has a better idea?
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Post by RRM »

claireelis wrote:it seemed very clear when i hadn't had enough - sometimes surprisingly intense drop in energy, also very weak legs - this happend after running errands (3x 30 min) (didn't sip enough? or is it empty glycogen?).
Its empty glycogen. As a result you run out of energy because your blood sugar cannot supply the required energy, and your legs will totally run out of energy.
So, what you need to do is to make sure to replenish muscle glycogen during the 24 hours before running.
(thats why running is not an effective tool to loose weight, as replenishing glycogen generally coincides with replenshing lost bodyfat; its hard to distinguish between them)
Should i wait with the yolks until i feel better or just keep trying?
Your body will tell you. First imagine eating a yolk; if your body is not ready, you will dislike the idea. The next step is opening an egg, and see what the smell does to you.
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Post by claireelis »

first off - thanks so much for you're replies! they're greatly appreciated. yes, my body seems oversensiteve to everything right now. juices go fine, but anything else (e.g. avocado) leads to pain followed by nausea and vomiting :(

the thought of egg yolk totally didn't appeal today. strange how that works for the egg yolk but that i do crave and eat avocado and nuts when i can expect them to go wrong?!

christina i think you may be right about not metabolizing fats properly. it should be possible to get this working again though right? for example, slowly but surely adding oil and yolks to a fruit juice diet...

i keep wanting to follow a fruit juice diet (say 3 days) and then build up from there to include increasing amounts of oil, yolks and whole fruits - but sticking to it... you'd think being sick so often was a good motivator, but after i feel good for half a day i forget how bad i felt and then crave e.g. an avocado and get into a bad cycle. so i guess here i have the patience problem - until my junkie receptors are clean?
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Post by Christina »

Hi Claireelis
I've tried some of the gallbladder flushes a while back. Some recommend eating apples, apple juice for three days and then flushing or adding one quart of apple juice per day to your reg. diet for 5 days and on the 6th, the flushing day having no oil all day, eating very light fare until noon and flushing before bed by drinking 1/2 cup oliveoil with 3/4 cup grapefruit juice :x . There are quite some variations. But I definitely expelled the stones they describe on the following day. They are green and float. Since bile is green and the liver gallbladder store fat which is what these stones consist of. There is a lot of controversy reg. this method. some say the stones are coagulated oliveoil :roll: . One thing I've heard which might interest you, is, that some testimonials state that the person needed a surgical gallbladder removal and after a few flushes was fine.
Since you have difficulty with oil, I don't know what would happen. That's why I thought of the mild one with orange juice etc.. You don't need
preparation for it. If you want to look up the gallflushes google Andreas Moritz. He's big on it.
But this might all be to agressive and maybe staying concistent with the diet plus olive oil does the trick. Generally I think that the Wai diet is the best therapy. But I don't know if, when a situation has gone far, it needs a little more help to turn around and then the Wai diet for maintainace.
I'm sure you'll intuitively do the right thing for your body :wink:
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Post by RRM »

Im not a fan of whatever flushes, as its a radical method that may have unwanted side effects.
claireelis wrote:christina i think you may be right about not metabolizing fats properly. it should be possible to get this working again though right?
Yes, absolutely, as the body has remarkable capacities to recover.
you'd think being sick so often was a good motivator, but after i feel good for half a day i forget how bad i felt and then crave e.g. an avocado and get into a bad cycle. so i guess here i have the patience problem - until my junkie receptors are clean?
Maybe its just a learning process. We people tend to need a lot of mistake making before we have learned enough...
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Post by claireelis »

i've decided not to do any cleanses nor to force myself to only drink juices - b/c that doens't feel right either. i guess it remains trial and error. i had to take domperidon last night and this morning to combat the stomach problems, but it led to a bloated and painful abdomen - so i'm going to avoid that again.

good news: i started off with an apple juice this morning, but really wanted something more 'filling' so i had bananas with dates and dash of olive oil - it went well :) i ended up having 5 bananas like this today - these all went well!!!! it was only tonight when i made a smoothie from tomatoes, sweet red pepper, OO & OJ and sundried tomatoes that my stomach decided not to cooperate. anyway with the bananas i was really happy though to be able to eat something satisfying again :) and with some olive oil, yay!!!!!
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Post by claireelis »

alas the same bananas did not go well today. the eating and feeling sick too problematic right now. i'll try to juice fast and once i feel ok again give the wai foods a good try - hopefully in a week or so. cheers, claireelis
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Post by Christina »

How about adding 1 teaspoon of olive oil to each cup of juice? It'll ward off cravings.
If you flip from the extreme of fasting/juicing without oil you are setting yourself up for the binge attack. But I can relate 8)
Some people can do it through discipline but I'm not like that. I have to stay balanced/moderate all the time to keep myself from extreme behaviour. Although at times some fasting has helped me with digestive issues. It never helped with longterm weight loss though.
But please, if you had a binge attack, don't punish yourself with fasting, just because you feel stuffed and rotten. It's such a viscious cycle.
I know, you know it all yourself. Why are we sometimes so smart in giving advise but don't manage it ourselves :roll:
On the other hand, maybe this fast will be good.
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Post by RRM »

Fasting is not good; particularly not for those prone to binging.
Fasting is telling the body that there is a lack of food. This will put the body in a survival mode (gotta eat as much of anything that is slightly edible). The better you are in fasting, the stronger that survival mode will get.
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