Why I Eat

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Why I Eat

Post by avalon »

Why We... 'I' Eat


I found this article, though simplistic in nature, extremely truthful. Some may understand and some may not. I come from a history of Bulimia and substance abuse and I guess the most I can say is I am constantly trying to better myself- from my past. And It's not easy.

I just returned from a vist with my Mother. Some of you may know from previous posts that she has cancer. It is her third round, and sadly, her diet is atrocious! I suppose it could be far worse as my Step-Father does include various whole foods amongst the Pringles and fake Guacamole... And I seldom get out of there without being swayed by the Dark Side of processed foods. I try and tell her what I've learned over the last year, but ultimately I, also, succumb after only a few days of pressure! How awful!

I've told her that I may have to just not eat with them. Or, I have thought I may have to stay at a Hotel, rather than at their home, for I can't seem to hold fast when she persists on tempting me with these yucky doodies!

It is good to be home!

Be strong friends! Lord(who ever he/she is) knows I'm trying.

Best wishes,
Avalon :)
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Post by Oscar »

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Post by dionysus »

I miss eating with my friends.
Negativity is the cult of the weak
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Post by RRM »

You can have a salad in almost any restaurant...
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Post by Corinne »

Talk your friends into going to a Japanese restaurant!
If you are living in the US this may be difficult but I sometimes ask if the restaurant will just serve me the salmon raw instead of the cooked version they have on the menu.
There is also sometimes a carpaccio (raw beef) or "steak tartar" on the menu though this isn't officially on the diet as the meat is most often radiated (ie cooked)
And as RRM said, a restaurant can always serve you a cucumber/tomato salad...
Once I was with friends and they decided to go to a tex-mex restaurant (I was in the US) and I just ordered a tomato cucumber salad and added my own olive oil that I always carry with me. and guess what? They didn't even charge me for it!!! To them it is like garnishings! Try it out! :D
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