Neural basis of motivation

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Neural basis of motivation

Post by Thomas »

To be sharp and investigative, you ought to consume neither dairy- nor wheat-products

RRM and others,

Wai likes to talk about humans as investigative creatures.
I am curious, what exactly is the neural basis of 'investigation,' and how can this sytem be impaired by cooked food?

This is a difficult subject to research, because much of the work done on motivaiton centers around external influences, rather than physiological impairment.
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Post by Oscar »

I'm not sure where the 'investigation' area is located in the brain, if there is a center at all...

Dairy and wheat products have sedative qualities though, which impairs activity in general.
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Post by avalon »

And quite possibly, the investigators doing the investigation are most likely consuming Dairy and Wheat :)

Sorry, couldn't help myself.
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Re: Neural basis of motivation

Post by RRM »

Thomas wrote:I am curious, what exactly is the neural basis of 'investigation,' and how can this sytem be impaired by cooked food?
Actually, different neurotransmitters in the brain have great effects on the level of investigative behaviour in test animals. Food substances such as beta-carbolines and opioid peptides have great effects on the metabolism of neurotransmitters in general.
There is some info about this subject on
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