Four days of drinking Water, OO and sugar without protein or OJ won't have dire consequences?
Forget i mentioned the mustard. Nothing really to do with what we are talking about...
I've never drank Water, OO and sugar. i don't think it would be a problem.
Four days with without protein or OJ i can't see being a problem.
You could eat dried fruit but the question is, can you get enough energy from them? You need 3000 kcal of energy a day.
4 days is not long and i don't think RRM would ever suggest this but you could just eat whole fruits...
...but you won't get enough energy
....and your body will CRAVE sugar.
When my body craves sugar i am seriously moody (for no reason!)
Remember when your body doesn't have enough sugar it will eat your muscle! if you're borderline weight then not getting 3000kcal a day would be a terrible idea.
But if you already have large amounts of muscle then it maybe plausible but you
would have to check with RRM on the risks
because i am no expert
BUT remember you will feel like shit! Because you body doesn't have enough energy.
If you can't do the Water + Sugar +OO or Water + Sugar + Salad (with OO) then i would personally would rather lose muscle than have acne.....
If you are going to eat munch food then this may be helpful
Not sure what you have or haven't tested yet.
Salad (fat) for the day:
6 avacadoes
5 tomatoes (peeled)
25ml OO
Sugar for the day:
Water + sugar
So every 10-20 mins Fat or Sugar. Listen to your body, it will tell you how much Sugar/Fat it needs. I personally am in a great mood when i have the optimum sugar/fat ratio.
Good luck mate