Very good strategy! High sugar keeps your metabolism sky high, you can do everything you want but you won't gain weight and you will lose (to keep the engine running) lots of nutrients. Coconut oil also has this property, but to a less extent than sugar. It is also not nearly as nutrient depleting as sugar. I never got it why RRM thinks sugar is so good. My bets are that he is just a sweettooth. I think there are way better alternatives than sugar. Even if you're active, like me 45 minutes of cycling + 5km running + school (avg 5hrs) + work (avg 2 hrs), I just can't do it without (LOTS) of fat.JeffC wrote:I eat only Wai foods, and my diet is the same every day. The only cheating that I do is rarely eating heated fish/meat (social situations). In retrospect, the five issues that I mentioned in the initial post seemed to become increasingly worse as I added more sugar. Seems clear that the refined sugar was depleting my body's nutrients.
I quit all refined sugar. I'm rebuilding my diet around fat instead of sugar, especially animal fat. More yolks, some liver, beef. Maybe bone marrow, I haven't tried it yet. More coconut oil is a good possibility. Macadamias may also be an option. I'm mindful of the omega 3 to 6 ratio; I want it to be at 3:1 or better and not get too many PUFAs. I'm hoping 3000 or so calories of these foods will be enough for now.
I also find butter very helpful. It's high in retinol (vit A), has some vitamin D, has some vitamin K2 (certainly if grass fed) and has a very good composition of fats. It is pretty low in unsaturated fatty acids (3g/100g) and grass fed butter has an omega3:omega6 ratio of 1:1. It's very healthy and cheap energy food in my opinion. But, strictly speaking it isn't a wai food. I think the benefits far outweigh the 'potential' dangers.
And to make things clear: coating on tongue has only little to do with nutrients... same goes for diarrhea or sticky poo.
Almost everyone I know harvests (sticky) pathogens in the gut, I did aswell before October 2012. Your gut health is perfect if you never ever see any stains on the toilet paper and have regular, easy bowel movements. Your tongue needs to be like a baby's tongue: pink without any white spots or coating.
Nutrients had nothing to do with it for me: I always had versions of my diet with every nutrient (except for calcium and sometimes zinc) well above 100% up to 300% of the guidelines at least and still had white coating and gut problems if I ate too much sugar.
RRM still seems to think that just eating 100% will resolve this, apparantly, I think he is just ignorant when it comes to gut health.
Note that my statement about the no soiling is pretty provocative (in my opinion logic and achievable, I'm the proof) and the issue probably lies in the fact that RRM doesn't agree with me on the no staining part indicates perfect gut health. Because otherwise I can't understand why he is still claiming that 100% will solve it.
Now I'm with ya on preventing teeth damage and restoring them. I'm eating lots of butter, yolks, beef for vit A, D, and K2 and added a bit of mozarella cheese for extra calcium. So far... nothing has worked very good. I got very dedicated in my quest several and then I will almost resolved the sensitive tooth issue and then I will lose only a tiny bit of dedication and it will reappear within no time. One tip: xyltiol mouth rinse two times a day. I brush with a very fine dust of calcium carbonate atm, this is very effective and not abbrasive. I don't like the fizzyness of the baking soda in my OJ, but it does work wonders for dental health.