Pains in throat and sides of lips

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Pains in throat and sides of lips

Post by ganbare »

Hi everyone, I've been on the diet for about a little over a week and a half now and things are going well for the most part. I've been learning how to ingest enough calories by being really conscientious about how much I drink during the day. A couple of days ago my throat started to hurt and almost around the same time my lips, on the right and left sides of my mouth started to hurt as well, especially when I swallow or try to open my mouth wide.

I suspect this has something to do with my orange eating habits. I was eating about six oranges a day for a while. Now I've stopped because the throat pain was bothering me. It seems to have subsided ab bit now that I've stopped with the oranges. Anyone else have trouble with this? I am drinking apple juice instead, don't have a juicer where I am so it is not ideal conditions, but I am still seeing improvement which is positive.
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Post by avo »

Yep, I've done that before. All it takes is a couple citrus fruits a day, over a period of a couple days, and then it hits. FYI, drinking OJ with oil added will not effect me negatively. I guess the oil counteracts the acidity of the oranges. It is also different because when sipping OJ, you don't get it all over the mouth and face like you do with a whole orange.
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Post by RRM »

If fruits are not completely (over)ripe, they may contain too many acids that may damage some cells. Make sure the fruit is ripe enough for you. (citrus fruits and pineapple in particular)
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Post by avalon »

And I'll add if you will be sipping juice constantly, it may be a good idea to use a straw so as not to flood your teeth with too much acid.
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Post by esprit »

Hi you all,
I have the same problem, after 9 days I feel the mucous membrane in my throat and oesophagus have become thinner. Especially drinking hot water and wine ( I had a sip to try the effect -it burned and tasted awful although it smelled lovely) and now I even feel it when I'm not eating or drinking. I don't want it to get worse.

I will try coconut oil, a suggestion from another thread.
Are there ways to get the mucous membrane back in shape?
Is it possible to determine the ripeness of oranges form the outside?
Thanks again!
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Post by RRM »

esprit wrote:Are there ways to get the mucous membrane back in shape?
That will happen automatically. nothing you can do to improve that process.
Is it possible to determine the ripeness of oranges form the outside?
No, as the link between looks and ripeness differs per orange-specie. Also, the oranges may seem fully ripe while they have never ripened properly.
So, you really need to taste...
Luckily, you need to taste just one to know the whole krate.
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